Why Swim Within Closed Boundaries When Life Was Meant To Be An Ocean?

June 6, 2022 | Posted at 9:41 pm | by James (Follow User)

I’ve always been told that the world is my oyster… that the world is an ocean of possibility.

As a kid, this seemed exciting and as if anything were possible, but as I got older, things changed. The world changed. I started settling, yet had this unwavering feeling that I was supposed to be and do something much greater with my life. That I really wasn’t using my passions to the best of ability. The 9-5 has seemed at least enough. The routine has seemed enough. But I keep feeling like there’s more to who I am and who I am to become.

Have you ever felt this?

Have you ever been afraid to step out into your purpose? Into a position, dream, or something you believed you were supposed to do?

It’s so easy to sit back and to be comfortable where you are instead of trying to move forward to where you believe you could be. It takes so much more energy and belief.

Most of the world plays it safe. They swim into their lanes, just barely existing and going through the motions.

And I get why. It’s unchartered territory to step into, to have to swim into. The idea of moving forward into a big ocean of possibility can seem “Disney”, can seem daunting ludicrous at times, and even disastrous at times.

But what if swimming out of closed boundaries into the unknown was a part of our destinies? What if swimming out was the only way for all of us to become who we were created to be?



The reality that I have come to realize, is that it is.

Fear and doubt have been my enemies. I know it has probably been for many lives. It’s much easier to just play it safe, to not try instead of going into the deep ocean of possibility.  There’s also the other part of this in which we can “attempt” to even but we feel so scared of disaster or realizing our own potential that we make it so that we can easily slip back into our lane if needed.

The lanes of life just restrict. The closed boundaries keep us from creating something more within the world. I’m beginning to swim out now, into the deep and into the unknown territories of the ocean. Yeah, it’s scary, but it could be worth it.

I think we all need to start believing more in what is possible for our lives, for our purpose… We all need to stop allowing our fears and cautionary tales within our minds stop us from fully living and swimming into the many oceans of possibility.