Drum Roll, Please. Trump’s Cabinet Positions Are Being Confirmed

February 28, 2017 | Posted at 7:49 pm | by Bethany (Follow User)

As of today, 15 out of Trump’s 27 nominees for cabinet positions have been confirmed by the full Senate. Those confirmed are: Wilbur Ross (Commerce Secretary), Scott Pruitt (EPA Administrator), Mick Mulvany (White House Office of Management and Budget Director), Linda McMahon (Administrator of the Small Business Administration), Steven Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary), David Shulkin (Secretary of Veteran Affairs), Tom Price (Secretary of Health and Human Services), Jeff Sessions (Attorney General), Betsy DeVos (Education Secretary), Elaine Chao (Transportation Secretary), Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State), Nikki Haley (U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.), Mike Pompeo (CIA Director), James Mattis (Defense Secretary) and John Kelly (Director of Homeland Security). Reince Priebus (Chief of Staff) and Stephen Bannon (Chief Strategist) are advisory positions that don’t need any further approval. The fact that all 15 of the were confirmed, without a single one being blocked (except Andrew Pudzer, the nominee for Labor Secretary who withdrew his name for consideration), despite the massive pushback from the Democrats in Congress and the tens of thousands of phone calls from concerned constituents, speaks to the fact that there is something very wrong with the way our country is governed. These Cabinet positions were basically bought; particularly Betsy DeVos, who we came within a hair’s length of being blocked, but was voted in by Mike Pence after the 50-50 tiebreaker. She donated to 22 of the senators who voted for her, but they were still allowed to vote despite the clear conflict of interest. Republicans have also lately been skipping their town hall meetings, as the ones who have shown up to theirs are faced with a wave of angry constituents for not only voting these cabinet members into office, but trying to repeal Obamacare and supporting the Muslim ban or forceful deportations. This goes to show that the Republicans clearly couldn’t care less about the people they are supposed to be representing, and need to be voted out in 2018, replaced with people who actually will, and can stop this horrific agenda. In the meantime, however, the full Senate still needs to vote on Ben Carson (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development), Rick Perry (Energy Secretary), and Ryan Zinke (Secretary of the Interior), while R. Alexander Acosta (Secretary of Labor), Sonny Perdue (Secretary of Agriculture), Dan Coats (Director of National Intelligence), and Robert Lighthizer (U.S. Trade Representative) still need to appear at a hearing. Even if you think it will not work, please continue to call your Senators every day.  No matter how they vote, they need to hear the opposition, and how many people are prepared to vote them out in a year and a half should they fail to do the right thing.