Where To Find Your Happiness? Start Within

January 22, 2018 | Posted at 10:55 pm | by Tess (Follow User)

Happiness: the ultimate goal for most people. The New Year is wonderful, but it can often add more stress to your daily life on creating goals that can reach to that happiness.

Be sure to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Follow these steps to ensure you have a happy year, starting from within!


–Take time to connect with people.

A simple phone call will help you feel better.


–Learn something new. Pick up a new hobby.

You are sure to feel engaged and happier when involved in something that gives you purpose!


–Accept who you are.

You don’t need validation from others to truly love yourself. Remember that.


–Find the silver lining.

Instead of focusing on the negative, look at what you’ve learned from an experience or find reasons to be grateful.


–Treat yourself.

Especially during the holidays, we can be so occupied with treating others. Be sure to pamper yourself a little too. Go get that massage. Buy some hot chocolate. Watch that show you’ve been wanting to see. I promise, you will be glad you did.


–Live your life soulfully.

Visit a previous blog to learn more.


WOW Yoga (Will, Objectivity, Wisdom) is a personal system to increase awareness, balance and clarity for self-improvement.