Life Lesson From Switzerland: You Never Know Where Life Will Take You

February 10, 2017 | Posted at 1:09 am | by Kate (Follow User)

A wise woman once told me, “You are exactly where you are suppose to be right now, in this place, at this time, in this moment, and instead of fighting it, you should embrace where it will take you.”

Sometimes it takes years to look back on the things that you’ve been through to see how fruitful it can be to your life down the road.”

If someone had asked me where I would be October 2016, I would have said in school or working. What I would not have guessed was taking online classes, while backpacking parts of Europe. As of yesterday I’m in Zurich, Switzerland.

I’m staying with a girl who I met when I was in Valencia, Spain over two years ago. We were part of a month long program and stayed with the same host family. We grew close, stayed in touch, and now I’m in a town called, Eglisau, watching the leaves change from half way around the world.

As I lay awake from jet-lag and lack of caffeine, I’ve never been more at peace. The air is crisp, the scenery is beyond breathtaking, the people are pleasant, and the food has my eyes on the clock counting down the hours for my next meal.

The food is the best reason for anyone with food allergies to travel. In America, eating chicken eggs, gluten, wheat, whey, and soy based products produces such pain and engorgement within my intestinal cavity to the extent where I look about six months pregnant. As much as I wish this were pure hyperbole, it is sadly not as I have been mistaken for someone who is pregnant.

However, for anyone who has eaten fresh bread with olive oil and pepper know that there are few other comfort foods that make you feel as good as it does. Now, I can only wonder what surprises I have in store for me in Prague.