This Is Why You Need To Start Living For The Journey

January 11, 2016 | Posted at 6:38 pm | by Peggy (Follow User)

Sundays are always so nostalgic and whimsical for me.

Maybe it’s the lazy afternoons spent strumming my acoustic guitar, eating apple chips,and drinking hot chocolate. Or maybe it’s the calmness that surrounds me as I read university view books and imagine myself in prestigious institutions. Or maybe it’s just my mind tricking and exciting me with these placid moments because I know that endless procrastination will hit after dinner…

You see, every Sunday seems to be a reflection day for me; I guess you could call it a mental cleansing of all the stress and hectic thoughts that consume my mind. But in this new year, I think it’s important for each one of us to decide to have at least one afternoon each weekend to do something that makes you happy.

It could be as simple as making a cup of coffee and reading a good book, listening to music, or in my case watching the season finale of Gossip Girl that I missed on Monday. I advise you to pick a “nostalgic Sunday event” that is perfect for you.

What am I getting at?

Well, the truth is, we make a lot of sacrifices. Many of us in this last year continuously sacrificed our dreams for so long that we became numb to living… to fulfilling our dreams and aspirations.

Interestingly, I recently saw this picture on someone’s Tumblr page that shows a pie graph consisting of a sleep section, good grades, and social life. Below it states, “Choose 2.” It is absurdly fitting to me as a senior in high school.

I have chosen the good grades and sleep section. With university applications drawing closer and closer, I constantly find myself postponing days to relax with friends. The “nostalgic Sunday events” make up for this lost section, because it allows me to not think of the future for a few hours and to just get lost in doing something I truly enjoy.

In a comical way, this Tumblr pie graph sort of pinpoints that we give up a lot of things hoping that the result is worth it… I think we’re all expected to do something great; even the world tells us it only takes an individual to change the world. We want to be that individual. But doesn’t that kind of imply we already know how our lives are going to turn out?

We know we have to do x, y, and z things to achieve “____”. That blank differs for everyone.

For me, it’s getting into my dream university. For you, it might be winning a race, being accepted, or making someone in your life proud. We are always taught to have a goal and to strive for that goal, but I believe that sometimes constricts us. In some ways, it could inhibit us from being the best versions of ourselves. If we only focus on our goals turning into a reality, we dismiss and let go of the “sacrifices” that could be of equal or more important than the goal.

In this new year, I plan to live differently. I have realized that in the context of our life stories, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps we are supposed to have a gravitation towards the future. I believe that we are supposed to live in the present with an open and accepting mind. I mean, isn’t the story not so much about the ending, but rather the journey one takes to get to the ending?

Stop thinking about the ending and start living for the journey. Happy New Year!