I Still Want To Believe In The Good That Exists.

July 11, 2016 | Posted at 2:42 am | by Anna (Follow User)

To be quite honest, I can’t take watching the news anymore. I can’t take all of the turbulence that’s unfolding.

I can’t take it all. It’s almost like the world is falling apart. It’s so real and so hard to process all at the same time. I keep thinking, “How could this be the world that we live in today? Or why does everything feel like it’s moving backwards, not forward? What’s happening…?”

I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t understand why we are killing each other for no reason and have no regard for human life. I don’t understand why racism continues to be present. I don’t understand why every life can’t matter. I don’t understand…

But what I want to understand and believe is that there is still good that exists in our world. I want to believe that the light can overcome the darkness.

*I want to believe that one day, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we all will be judged by the content of our character and not by our skin color.

*I want to believe that one day we all will see the beauty in our differences, instead of allowing it to be a dividing factor.

*I want to believe that I won’t have to watch the news and see someone my age die for no reason, just because of their skin color.

*I want to believe that we all will come together to acknowledge what is really happening in our world; to not let situations like what is happening continue; and to stop the hate, violence, and everything that is poisoning our minds.

*I want to believe that my kids and those after them won’t have to deal with what we are dealing with today.

*I want to believe that people are loving and caring deep down, and that we all just want to live in a way that helps others and makes the world a better place.

*I want to believe that love can conquer hate.

I just really, really want to believe in the good that still exists…