Here’s Why You Need To Say Goodbye To Pride

December 7, 2015 | Posted at 9:37 am | by Christianne (Follow User)

We all have heard how forgiveness is the key to set us free from past hurts. And, I agree.

What we seldom hear is that saying you’re sorry when you have hurt someone is just as important. In today’s society, the word ‘pride’ has become an equivalent to strength and intelligence. When we claim to have ‘pride’ in a relationship, what we are trying to say is that we do not break easily; we are not vulnerable.

But, the truth is… pride is not a synonym for strength.

In reality, pride is a burden we voluntarily carry on our shoulders, because our hearts are too hardened. We are too afraid to be vulnerable in admitting that we are wrong. Pride has the power to tear down, kill, and prevent people from having the most beautiful relationships they could have ever imagined. First Corinthians 13:4 it says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

(iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

What this verse is telling us is that when we truly love someone, we are willing to admit our wrongdoings and to apologize for hurting those around us with our actions. Think about the root of wars and hate. Most of the time it all starts with a persons pride and desire for power…

Realize that peace in this world will never be attained if we all keep carrying around proud hearts.

What this world needs is for all of us to humble ourselves and realize that we are not perfect! We are humans; therefore we make mistakes– a lot. Yet for some reason, instead of learning from the times we mess up, we use pride as a band-aid.

If you find yourself today in a situation where you know deep down that you need to apologize to someone you’ve hurt, don’t let your pride fool you. You deserve to be happy and make those around you happy as well.

The road to a happy life doesn’t involve pride- it involves leaving pride behind. So do it, say you’re sorry. And watch what love can heal.

Praying for you!