The Truth Is, Things Are Never Based On One Thing.

June 9, 2016 | Posted at 12:06 pm | by Erik (Follow User)

What do you want to know?
Who it is that you want to be
In each question, know there’s always something more
Something that you can’t see
Nothing is ever based on one thing
There’s the connections of dots
The twists and turns of life
There are the connections to people and things to thrive
In each moment and each story that’s told
There’s always something more to it
More to unfold
We want to believe we can figure out things
That the story is always black and white
But the truth is, there’s grays…
They just may not be in sight
Taken in context
There’s always something more to everything
The part of this discovery is to always know
There’s much more to the story than what you hold
Knowing this proves to be useful
Proves to be a way of thriving in every situation to come
It helps us to know there’s more to the story than what’s begun
So don’t look at a situation and think you know it all
Be willing to see there’s more to it, than you know.