You Don’t Need To “Find” Your Purpose. It’s Already In You.

October 7, 2023 | Posted at 10:02 am | by Geneva (Follow User)

The  human spirit craves purpose.

We crave to know who it is that we should be. We want to know that we are on the right track… that the path we are taking is ultimately going to somehow lead us to realizing our true purpose.

Finding your purpose is a subject that it feels like everyone is interested in and wants to know how to do it. Conversations around discovering your purpose often seem to be connected with a systematic approach to reaching this final destination of discovery. But in reality, it’s not. I’ve discovered there is one-set, final way to figure out why you are here.

In truth, at least for what I believe, finding your purpose is not hard at all. Why? Because it already lies within you. YOU already know who it is that you want to be and what it is that you want to do with this great, adventurous life you have been given.

Girl is sitting on a mountain top, Ecuador

Think about it. What did you like to do as a kid? What are you passionate about now? I bet that all of those answers connect back to your purpose and why you are here. All of those gifts, passions, and talents that are a part of you connect to who it is that you were created to be.

The problem is, we often allow the world to dictate to us who it is that we should be. We figure those around us who are older than us may know more than us, we figure that our “so-called” friends may know more than us, and we figure that the negative voice deep within us knows more than us. But again, the truth is that deep down, our spirit knows us better than anyone.

Don’t gamble your purpose on other people. Believe in yourself and who is that you dream of becoming or doing with your life. Get quiet. Meditate. Practice listening to that intuition of yours. At the end of day, your purpose is already in you waiting for you to realize it for yourself. Waiting for you to trust and to believe in it. It knows you. You know it. It has always been guiding you towards taking each step and each journey needed to get you to the purpose and destiny you were meant to take your entire life. You just have to believe this for yourself.

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