Dear Naysayers, Thank You For Not Believing In Me. *Wink*

March 17, 2016 | Posted at 8:07 pm | by Leah (Follow User)

Dear Naysayers,

Thank you for constantly taking the time to tell me what I cannot do. Thank you for making it your business to get into the business of telling me what I can and cannot do.

Thank you, really, sincerely, warmly, whatever.

Magically, your words have disappeared from my mind. I have now entered into a point in my life in which you no longer matter. Your words no longer matter. Your words have no impact on me whatsoever. I have decided not to become annoyed by you, disheartened by you, nor defeated by you. To be quite honest, you might as well be vapor that slowly evaporates. You might as well be a bee that I can swat before it stings or discourages another. You might as well be, because I can assure you that you mean nothing to me at all.

I have decided to believe in myself and to say, “Screw you.” I have decided to use your negativity for my good. I have decided to use your disbelief in me to finally believe in myself. To believe…in my dreams, in my hopes, in my passions, and in my completely “impossible” and “illogical” ideas (your words not mine 🙂 ).

I genuinely want to thank you for not believing in me. It’s because of you, that I pushed myself. I proved to myself (and of course, later to you) that everything you told me was a lie, a complete contradiction to my knowledge of all things being possible. And that everything you thought to be…well, it was not. That every person you made not feel capable, you now should go back and apologize to. It was after facing you, that I went full throttle. I decided to believe in myself, while simultaneously proving you wrong.

I hope you know that I am deeply grateful to you. Like Albert Einstein said, “I am thankful for (you) and for all of those who said, ‘NO’ to me. It’s because of (you) and them I’m doing it myself.” I’m moving forward. I’m going against all odds. I’m climbing to the top. I’m rising, so…thank you. *Wink, wink*