Why I Yoga

March 17, 2016 | Posted at 3:47 pm | by Hannah (Follow User)

Yoga entered my life in my early high school years and it has been present ever since.

When I was growing up, I pushed myself in school to the point that I became valedictorian of my class, captain of both the cross country and soccer teams, a member of the track team and president of various clubs and organizations. I was caught up in a competitive and unhealthy race of reaching ‘the top.’

Early childhood trauma caused me to push myself to my limits, to the point where it was no longer sustainable, and I developed an eating disorder. It wasn’t until I burned myself out that I realized the way I was living my life was unhealthy and I needed to find something to bring me back to reality and to get me in touch with the bigger picture of life. Enter yoga.

I first started doing yoga to help me in sports and running, so that I could be better stretched for my performances. After attending a couple of yoga classes with some of my teammates I began to understand and feel what it is like to slow down, to listen to the breath, to be aware, to flow with movement.

Health Hacks with Hannah YOGA

A couple of months later and I was going to yoga not to improve my running, but because it started to heal me from the inside out. My journey with yoga has brought me out of a dark place, where I lived with a torturous eating disorder, to a place of self-acceptance and excitement.

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