How To Make A Choice When You Don’t Know What To Choose

February 15, 2016 | Posted at 3:49 pm | by Paul (Follow User)

“Drowning in options is a terrible way to die.” – Paul Angone

We are suffocating in choices. Options. Possibilities. What if’s. A Google Search supplying you with 3,457 results. Every choice you make means you’re not choosing 25 other options, something we understand all too well.

Whether it’s choosing the right place to live, the right spouse, the right career, the right Pandora station, the right Pad Thai, or what the heck to watch on Netflix, every decision feels like an anxiety attack waiting to pounce, claws first.

As I wrote in All Groan Up: Searching For Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job!:

Our generation has more options at our disposal than any other in the history of humankind…Instead of singing the ABC’s in kindergarten, we chanted, “I can do anything; I can be anything.”


But what happens when we feel like we’re doing nothing? What happens when all the choices and options become the never-ending cereal aisle that we can never leave? What happens to us then? How does our generation deal with all these choices? And even better, how do we find some way to make the right choices without driving ourselves crazy?

When you don’t know what to choose, do these three things…

First, make a choice that you need to make a choice

It sounds straight-forward. But we become so paralyzed in choosing something that we end up choosing nothing instead. Not making a choice is a choice. And probably the least constructive choice you can make…

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