The truth is that in this life, you will have to make the decision to believe in yourself, even when no one else will. And sometimes, there will be moments when no one else will.
I have experienced these moments, and I’m sure that we all have had these moments… They are the defining moments…ones when you are left to face yourself and what you believe about yourself.
They are the moments when there is no one around to give you a pep talk. They are the moments when no one is around to tell you that you have what it takes. They are the moments when no one is around who sees or believes in the vision that you have for yourself. And yet it’s in these moments that you have to completely believe in yourself and choose to say to yourself that you have what it takes.
Too many times, people will make us believe that we don’t have what it takes and that we can’t do things. Those closest to us may become our biggest opponents, making us feel inadequate or insecure about what we are capable of accomplishing. But what we often fail to grasp is that we have everything needed inside of us needed in order to fulfill our dream or our goal. We just have to believe for ourselves, with everything inside of us.
At the end of it all, regardless of who is by your side, always believe in yourself. Let go of your critics, naysayers, and all negative people around you. Make the commitment to choose to believe in yourself, even when no one else will. Make the decision to be your greatest supporter and fan, even when everyone else is not. You don’t need the opinion or validation from others to prove otherwise. Instead, you can focus on proving it to yourself.
No one may make the effort to stand by you or to believe in you, but have the determination to stand on your own. Be assured in knowing you really do have to ability to accomplish anything that you put your mind to do. You just have to believe it for yourself.