11 Truths You Learn About The World As You Get Older

January 12, 2016 | Posted at 1:16 pm | by Nolan (Follow User)


1. There is still a lot of good that exists.

But somehow society tends to focus on the negatives.


2. People can be narcissistic, illogical, selfish, and conniving.

Time will always show you who people are and their true colors. Don’t be alarmed by it and don’t feel that you have to become like them.


3. Life is hard.

It will constantly try to knock you down, but you have to get right back up.


4. The greatest treasure of life is friends.

They have the beautiful gift of encouraging you, understanding you, and knowing all the right things to say when you need to hear it.


5. Commitment is everything.

When you are trying to accomplish anything, it’s not dependent on your skills or your intellect. Instead, it all depends on your level of commitment. Your drive and your determination are everything.


6. You have a lot more within you than you may think.

It’s the hard times that show you who you really are, what you are capable of becoming. You have so much intellect, strength, and courage within you than you might think.


7. It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

The little details, the little words, the little moments of impact seem to always have the greatest imprint any situation.


8. Everything is constantly changing.

As your life changes, the person you are changes, too. As a result, your relationships change because your interests and your focuses change. That’s why it’s important to savor every moment of life.


9. Most people don’t live their dreams.

Most people are scared, think they are incapable, or become comfortable with the status quo. Most people never stretch themselves to see all that they are capable of becoming. Don’t be one of these people.


10. Everyone is trying to figure out this thing called, life.

People will try to act like they know all of the answers, but time always proves that life is forever unraveling and changing. No one knows all the answers. Everyone is searching for the best way to navigate life.


11. Stay true to who you are.

Always staying true to yourself will take you to where you are supposed to be. It will allow you to become who you are. It’s one of the most freeing things that life offers, and you’ll find it’s one of the most courageous things to do as well.