What It Really Means To Give The Present…Of Being Present

December 25, 2015 | Posted at 2:18 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

With all the running around and festivities happening during the holiday season, it’s so easy to lose sight of what’s important.

We get so caught up on the shopping and the gifts to buy that we sometimes forget the true importance of the holiday season and the transformative message behind it. What I love is that it’s a message that doesn’t focus so much on giving presents. Instead, the holiday season focuses on giving the gift of being present.

Giving the gift of being present changes everything and it really changes you.

It means you are able to really be present with your loved ones. It means that you are able to make the choice to be present in every moment. It means that you are able to be present in embrace all that you become from this year. And most of all, it means being present in recognition of each holiday.

I have consistently been reminded of the gift of being present this year. It has changed my thoughts on life and my priorities. For example, I now really seek time to be present (minus technology which can be hard) with those who mean the most to me, I seek time to be present even in life’s most chaotic moments, and I seek time to be present in contentment with myself. Being present really means embracing the beauty of living in the moments of life that touch your heart and make you realize what really matters.

So before you get caught up in all the little things and before you get irritated by the things not going your way, I urge you to take a step back. Enjoy every moment. Be present. Savor precious memories that you have with those you love.

I hope during this holiday season, you meditate on the huge significance of giving the present of being present. I hope this season will give you moments full of love and joy that you share with those in your life and those you encounter. And most of all, I hope this season will be one that will deeply touch you.

Wishing you and your loved ones a great holiday season, from our team to you!