Classical Music & Popular Music: Here’s How I Think We Should Bridge The Gap

July 14, 2015 | Posted at 7:48 am | by Alexandra (Follow User)

As a classical musician in the twenty-first century, I constantly feel the disconnect between American popular music and classical music. My love for them both leaves me in a constant internal debate.


Bringing classical motives along side popular music trends feel extremely natural. Max Richter has been able to accomplish this flawlessly. In his recomposition of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, Richter’s Winter 1 is a perfect reinvention of the movement bringing Vivaldi into the twenty first century.


Vivaldi sets Winter through stark string techniques that bite. From the beginning of the movement, we are reminded of the cold chill that travels and builds through our body. Anxiety is released as the solo violin cries out frigid and rich.


As the music ascends, the tension is comparable to that of the build up in contemporary electronic music. We wait for the drop, and for the bass to actually kick in.


The music is extremely physical as we feel the tempo increase within us. As the main theme emerges, we notice that Richter has transformed the end of each phrase. It appears as if he rushes to the end of each eighth note series creating a powerful effect.


By eliminating the final eighth note, he punctuates the phrase intensifying the urgency of each statement. Grounding the bass by not only making the bass and cello more percussive than before, the entire ensemble is able bringing Vivaldi into the twenty first century. Think Kanye West’s Love Lockdown, the power of a ultra percussive drum line. Stylistically tribal, this element provides us with an emotive core.


As another violin solo emerges, this soon ends. Richter’s decision is jarring. Our ear continues to search for a release. The violin shifts back and forth revealing a passionate story of angst, pain, and suffering. The violins courageous stamina strengthens its final cry…


The final chord resonates within our body; feelings of discomfort, composure, complacency, and resistant push into the future…


You see, this beautiful piece of music has the ability to bridge the gap between American popular music and Classical music.


This reinvention brings generations together while also reminding us of the power of music as it can transcend time and space providing us with comfort, guidance, and expression. It is a magical medium.