16 Things To Try & 16 Things To Let Go Of In 2016

December 21, 2015 | Posted at 4:37 am | by James (Follow User)

A new year brings new possibilities.

It’s a chance for you to try new things to gain a greater sense of yourself and who you want to become. And on the flip side of that, it’s also a chance for you to let go of bad habits and things from the previous year that you think are holding you back from becoming all that you are capable of becoming.

But let’s be honest. It’s hard being honest with ourselves sometimes. It takes a lot of courage, a lot of understanding, and a lot of realizations. However, it’s only by doing so that we can discover more about ourselves as well as the depths and meaning of our lives.

In the new year, I’m giving myself the challenge of removing things that are not adding to my life and trying new things that might add to my life. You might want to take on the challenge, too. To motivate you, here’s my list of 16 things to try and 16 things to let go of in the new year. Feel free to take and add to your list whatever resonates with you:

1. When it comes to time…

TRY: Using it wisely a lot more.
LET GO OF: Stop just “killing” time. As you’re killing time, time is actually killing you. I know this sounds graphic, but realize that you’re not getting any younger with time. Nope, you’re getting older.

2. When it comes to goals…

TRY: Set a vision for your life and have it connect with goals that go beyond what you might believe to be possible. You might be surprised to discover how possible they are in the new year when you start taking steps to make them become your reality.
LET GO OF: Not planning or having any kind of actionable steps to achieve your goals.

3. When it comes to relationships…

TRY: Choosing people that add to your life and make you happy.
LET GO OF: Wasting time on people who drag you down or seem to take more from you than they are adding.

3. When it comes to yourself…

TRY: Be honest with yourself about things. Also, take care of yourself. Make a schedule for how you will stay healthy (mind, body, and spirit) in the new year. Whether that means exercising in the morning or reading a book at night, make sure you stick to that schedule.
LET GO OF: Procrastinating on taking care of yourself or being lazy. You only have one body and one life, make the most of both.

4. When it comes to family and friends…

TRY: Spend more time with the people you love. Yeah, we all get busy, but really make it a priority.
LET GO OF: Putting off getting together with people or making excuses. Life is about making the most of spending time with people you care about.

5. When it comes to learning…

TRY: Doing something new every month or weekend. There is so much to discover and learn about the world. That’s what makes it interesting.
LET GO OF: Believing you will have more time to do so. One day, you won’t.

6. When it comes to traveling…

TRY: Takes more trips to new places or even visiting places locally that you haven’t seen before.
LET GO OF: Staying in the house or staying in your comfort zone.

7. When it comes to happiness…

TRY: Be honest with yourself about what makes you happy and stick to it.
LET GO OF: Being a people pleaser or continuously putting other people’s happiness before your own. That can wear you out.

8. When it comes to making mistakes..

TRY: Embracing them, seeing them as your way of growing and becoming who you are.
LET GO OF: Beating yourself or thinking your mistakes will permanently affect your life. You decide what you allow to permanently affect you.

9. When it comes to your dreams…

TRY: Never stop trying to go after them. Sure, it might take a few missteps and some patience to achieve your dreams, but you can do so as long as you don’t give up.
LET GO OF: Wanting to take shortcuts or giving up every other day. Stick with it.

10. When it comes to thinking…

TRY: Thinking positive as much as you can. It will change your mood and perspective on life. You may also find that better things come your way when you change your attitude.
LET GO OF: Negative thinking. It takes just as much energy to think negative as it does to think positive.

11. When it comes to giving back…

TRY: Find a charity or organization that you want to get involved it that really connects to your passions. The best thing about giving back is that you feel so great afterwards.
LET GO OF: Being selfish, not making the time to make a difference, or thinking that you can’t make an impact. You’d be surprised about how much you can.

12. When it comes to careers…

TRY: Go after what you are passionate about. When you decide to work in a job that you hate, it’s like you are slowly killing yourself. It’s a premature death every single day.
LET GO OF: Thinking that you are not capable of finding something part or of being scared about what will happen if you decide to change careers. Everything always works itself out, but nothing can work if you don’t make the effort to change your situation. No one can do that for you.

13. When it comes to experiences…

TRY: Having more of them. New experiences can change your life and you as a person. During them, also try meeting new people with various backgrounds and ethnicities. There is such an array of diversity in the world that makes life meaningful.
LET GO OF: Sticking to the regular 9 to 5 day-to-day, boring kind of life. It’s sad.

14. When it comes to spirituality..

TRY: Connect more with your spiritual side. You will find that it will bring an inner peace to your life and more clarity in the purpose of your life. In discovering it, you can also write more too about your experiences as a form of reflection.
LET GO OF: Thinking you know everything that you need to know, or being close-minded.

15. When it comes to financials…

TRY: Saving more for the future and making a budget. Stick to the budget and you’ll be surprise how proud of yourself you will be.
LET GO OF: Being irresponsible with your spending or thinking you will have time to save. You should start as soon as you can.

16. When it comes to fully living…

TRY: Live and embrace every moment of life. See life as being worthwhile for all that it has to offer and what your life can offer to the world.
LET GO OF: Not embracing the freedom and beauty of life or taking it for granted. Have a new perspective on how you want to live and make the most of your life, every day in the new year.