Let it go.
Whatever it is that you are worried about getting. Whatever it is that you constantly keep holding tightly in your mind. Whatever it is that you are committed to seeking. Whatever it is that you dream of having…
Let it go. Now.
I am not saying to give up on it. I’m saying you need to surrender it. Start believing… Believe that one way or another, it’s going to happen. Believe that the effort you are making now is pushing it forward. Believe that if you have the vision for it, it will happen. Now, let it go.
Everyone has mental doubts, mental internal conflicts, anxieties, and worries. This list includes the most successful person in the world to the least successful person in the world. Unfortunately, most people get caught up in the process and the challenges. But no one has to live there. YOU don’t have to live there. Stop yourself from getting in your own way. Change your thoughts. Have the undying belief that what is meant for you will come to you.
It’s really simple: Believe that one day you aren’t going to live in the world that was given to you, but that you are going to live in the world that you dream of. Take in positive thinking. Believe that what you are seeking is seeking you too.
When you let go of what’s bothering you and surrender your situation, you clear the path for the right things to come your way. Know that if you keep doing your part, if you believe, and if you let go, then everything you are seeking will start seeking you.
Right now, start trusting the process and believing you are exactly where you should be:
“Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” ~Asha Tyson