How Living The Complimentary Kind Of Life Can Make You Feel Amazing

December 7, 2016 | Posted at 10:28 pm | by Carrie Hill (Follow User)

Our cities are full of stressed out citizens on the brink of a meltdown.

Homelessness, joblessness, unpaid bills, loss of a loved one, strained relationships, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, political divisions, class warfare, economic hardship, abuse, and divorce make for a very grim picture of our society’s ability to flourish in a healthy environment.

With that overwhelming picture painted for us on a daily basis, how could we possibly make a positive difference in the life of our neighbors, our friends, relatives or even strangers? How could we possibly make a positive ripple effect happen? I have one very inconspicuous word that I find can make a huge difference in the murky pool of the daily dredge: Give a compliment.

Have you ever had a complete stranger tell you they like your bag, or your shoes, or the power point presentation you spent three weeks putting together for the lunch meeting you just had? In fact, have you even ever had someone tell you that you have a nice smile, or that you are talented at doing something? You know the feeling you get when you are complimented. If you have ever had a compliment, then you know how one brief positive statement can change your entire day.

How often do you think something nice about someone and never give a voice to your thought? In my opinion, a positive thought not shared is wasted time.

As a spiritual person, I believe that our positive thoughts are given to us at moments when we either need some insight regarding a situation, or we need to help someone else through their situation. Every thought can be important in our personal growth if we act on them. In this case, a compliment is meant to be shared, and when we share it with the subject of our thoughts enough, we begin to feel better about ourselves.

I have had the distinct pleasure to work with Happiness Expert, Lisa Cypers Kamen of Harvesting Happiness, who is continually in the exemplifying act of verbalizing her gratitude for the many opportunities, talents and gifts that she has been given and shares with others, while being grateful for the talents of others that are shared with her.

One aspect of happiness (among many) that both Ms. Kamen and I are in agreement about is that service breeds happiness. A compliment is a small act of service to another, and service breeds gratitude, which literally can change the darkest sky into a bright horizon.


A compliment is a free statement full of positivity meant to brighten someone else’s life…


Compliments let people know that someone cares, to let them know that they have something unique that makes them stand out to you, and to build another’s self-esteem.

It has been my experience that when genuinely meant, a habit of complimenting others, can immediately alter facial expressions and opens the doors of friendship, opportunity, and communication as you naturally begin to be more aware of others and their needs, their strengths, and also their abilities.

This small act of service to someone else, does indeed pull you out of the daily grind the more you do it, and directly affects how you feel about yourself. After time, you not only develop a habit of being more aware of others great qualities, but you begin to notice your own strengths and good qualities, which can lead to greater self-esteem and more confidence over time.

Although compliments can’t solve another’s situation, you may find that it helps another have a better outlook on their situation. You may never know how one compliment in passing affects another for their entire life. You might have changed someone’s whole perspective by simply sharing your own positive thought about them.

The next time you see a cute bag, a job well-done, a great window display, beautiful art, or great food, make sure to go out of your way to express how you enjoy it, like, love it or are just plain jealous of it (in the best way possible), and not only will you have helped someone else, but you will have made yourself forget about what’s troubling you for two seconds as you perform a small act of service to another.

Remember: You are awesome! You can make a positive impact in another’s life, by creating your own ripple effect in society one compliment at any moment.