Something About My Backyard…

September 12, 2015 | Posted at 12:31 pm | by Kateri (Follow User)

I stepped outside earlier to pick up my laundry, when I look up at the stars.


Something about this place, something about the stars that I only look up at them in this backyard.


The hot breeze against my legs, the little henna anchor tattoo on my ankle, the cool grass tickling between my toes…


Brought me back to when I was 17… looking up at the night sky, a tiny star here and there, but I never forgot to acknowledge the greatness of each one, me wishing upon one each night…


I, a mere speck of dust, to the supernovas, planets, and black holes up there… I was once a star myself.


“You can be easily replaced,” someone told me as cautionary advice the other day.


It kept me thinking, I can’t shine all the time.


Nor did the stars up in the sky.


Nor will I.


But I once did, and can again.


I am a star, shining or not, and there was and will be someone in a far off universe standing in their backyard at night, wishing to me…