There Will Always Be Another Mountain To Climb… Just Keep Climbing.

November 24, 2015 | Posted at 6:44 pm | by Leah (Follow User)

Do you ever feel like no matter what you achieve, there’s still something you have to overcome to achieve something else?

It’s like one thing after another thing after another thing after one more thing…yet you still aren’t there.

Sometimes I feel like no matter what I accomplish or how far along I get, there is always something else… another hurdle, another peak, another mountain to climb for the other things that I want to achieve. I think to myself, I want to reach the top of all of them already and get it over with. Or I ask myself, there’s still another, whyyyyyyy???

This used to really irritate me. But I now realize that this constant “climbing of mountains” is part of life. It’s not anything that I’ve done. It’s nothing that you’ve done. It’s nothing that anyone of us has done. It doesn’t mean that we’re doing something that wrong. It doesn’t mean that our efforts on other things are in vain. It just means that to get anywhere in life, you’ll have to climb.

It’s takes tremendous determination, persistence, and commitment. But, once you do, you’ll have a moment of blissful achievement like none other. You will feel the excitement at the top and be appreciative of all that you had to do in order to get there. Later, as you move onto wanting to try something else, you will see another mountain that you’ll have to climb. This case in point brings me back to my conclusion…

There will always be another mountain to climb.

Don’t feel discouraged though, because we all have mountains that we have to climb as we go about trying to achieve different things in life. If you didn’t face any mountains, then you really wouldn’t be fully living. There would be no purpose for your being here. Mountains make life fun, impactful, and worth living.

And the great part about climbing any mountain is that once you do, you can conquer the bigger ones. You will have the wisdom, the understanding, and the courage to look back and remember that if you could climb the other ones, you can now climb the ones up ahead.

Keep climbing.