Success Comes From Genuinely Knowing & Owning Who You Are

November 20, 2015 | Posted at 12:58 pm | by Nina (Follow User)

Everyone wants to know the secrets to becoming successful.

We read books, talk to others who we admire, take classes, and practically try to find any route that we think could help us to tap into the highway of success. But what if unlocking part of our success was a lot easier than we thought? And what if one of the links to becoming successful simply connected to knowing who we are?

All of us have something unique to add to the world. No one can ever be us and no one has the exact “make-up” as us. Our uniqueness could lies in our ideas, our humor, our passions, our background, our beliefs… you name it. And it’s this uniqueness that connects to our success – our unique success. It’s that kind of success that only we can achieve because of knowing and owning who we are. This is how you begin the journey of becoming success. I’m sure any successful person will say this to be true.

“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world
that was not there before.”~Edwin Elli

The foundation of your success lies in genuinely knowing and owning who you are. This takes courage to discover; it takes courage to own up to. But, when you do, not only will you feel more grounded and confident in who you are, but you will also become happier and successful, too.

I can’t imagine that anyone wants to live a mediocre, barely-get-along kind of life. I believe we all want to be successful, feeling fulfilled and free. But many of us do not have the courage to find out who we really are and to hold onto it.

Many of us will spend our lives listening to our naysayers and critics…we will pay attention to what everyone else is doing…we will allow ourselves to feel ostracized…we will allow ourselves to feel bad about anything that will make us appear to be different from society or those around us. It’s a miserable life that only constantly places us on the highway of sadness, guilt, and shadows of dreams that we could have achieved.

Don’t be one of these people. Don’t be ashamed of who you are.

Embrace your uniqueness, accept your differences, and use all that you are as fuel towards your success. What a different world it would be if we all began to know and own who we are.