15 Reasons To Break Off The Chains Of Conformity

November 18, 2015 | Posted at 5:23 pm | by Robert (Follow User)

Conformity can constrain us from what is possible. Interestingly, it can also propel us to achieve what is possible.The definition of conformity is when you do or don’t do something in order to appear correct. Another definition puts it as a behavior that’s in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards.

In some cases, conformity can be a good thing, especially when you are aiming to complete a project and working together with a group of people for something greater. It can also be good for those who don’t want to run the risk of being ostracized.

But it becomes a bad thing when you not when you begin to give up who you are. When you overly conform, you become a robot. You do things just for the sake of relying on the notion of “this is just the way that it is done and has always been done.” That’s when you need to throw conformity out the window.

As leaders throughout history have proven, the way to progress is by not conforming to the status quo. It’s by taking a risk and breaking off the chains of conformity. Though you may be ostracized in for doing so, you will gain something greater later based on your achievements and on how you inspired others. To help motivate you to break of the chains of conformity, here are our 19 reasons why you should do so:

1. You will could be settling.


2. You are trading the extraordinary life for the ordinary life.


3. Your life will be pretty dull and cookie cutter.


4. You’ll never know what you could have achieved.


5. You could be the one person needed to bring change to a certain situation.


6. You could inspire generations to come, putting a huge dent in the universe.


7. Your status quo would remain.


8. You have nothing to lose.


9. You’ll internally beat yourself for not.


10. People will talk about you whether you conform to what they want or not.


11. Security in a job, money, people, or anything is never promised.


12. You only live one life.


13. You may be hindering progress.


14. You’ll discover your greater purpose and life’s meaning.


15. You already know where conforming to a certain path lead, so why not take the road less traveled?