22 Small Ways You Can Make A Difference Any Day

November 13, 2015 | Posted at 1:39 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

They say we should be kind to everyone you meet because you never know what battles they are fighting.

But whether a person has a battle or not, we should be kind to everyone and make a difference whenever we can. Every day, we each have the power to make a difference in someone’s life. We just have to decide to do so.

This is especially true today, which is known as World Kindness Day. Here at RIZZARR, World Kindness Day is one of our favorite days of the year because of the endless ripples that are spread.

To inspire you to make a difference, we put together 22 small ways you can make a difference any day, not expecting anything in return:

1. Treat people the way that you want to be treated
2. Be of help to someone who needs it
3. Smile at someone
4. Make time for someone
5. Put someone before yourself (in any capacity)
6. Cheer someone up who is down
7. Write someone a quick heartfelt email/letter
8. Go the extra mile for someone
9. Buy someone a coffee or chocolate
10. Call someone who you haven’t talked to in sometime
11. Surprise a coworker by buying them lunch
12. Donate to a charity
13. Choose to forgive someone
14. Pray for someone
15. Give someone (who needs it) a giant hug
16. Help your boss with something
17. Make a way for someone who needs someone to vie for them
18. Tell someone you appreciate them
19. Contribute to an initiative that’s based on your passions
20. Visit someone in a nursing home
21. Buy a homeless person food
22. Take part in something bigger than you