Don’t Panic! 23 Things Likely To Happen On Your Road To Success

November 4, 2015 | Posted at 6:59 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

It’s really happening!

You are on your way to fulfilling your big dream. Your strategy is in place. Your blueprint is laid out. You think that you have everything you need for the journey ahead. So you get started and you get moving –one foot in front of the other.

But then, right as you start making progress, the crap hits the fan. Everything that could wrong does. You freak out!!!You had your plan in place…you planned ahead…you did everything that you were supposed to do…

Why is it that everything is NOT going your way?


Well, welcome along The Road To Success, aka The Road Less Traveled.

Before journeying along this road, you may have thought that you had everything that you needed. You may have thought that you did everything the right way. As much as this may have been the case, unfortunately, this road is one that you cannot be fully prepared to undertake.

Most of things that you thought you had a handle on will go wrong. It’s true. Take it and embrace it. Luckily, the most successful people of our time have proven that despite any roadblocks you might experience, you can overcome them. Your preparation for this road has equipped you to do so. All of your preparation will help you along the road as well as help you to gain the character that you need in order to fulfill your dream.

To calm you down along The Road Less Traveled, here’s a list that we put together of 23 things that will likely happen along your journey towards fulfilling your dream:

1. You will get nervous and think you can’t do it

2. People will show you their true colors

3. Your plans will get delayed

4. Strategies and all blueprints will fail

5. Laziness may creep in

6. Self-doubt will poke out its head

7. You feel like a failure at times

8. Someone or something will fall through

9. You feel alone

10. You may encounter things you don’t understand

11. You have to put on a Superman shirt under your clothes to get brave

12. People will discourage you

13. People may try to change your directions or your focus

14. You realize that you can’t take everyone with you along with your journey

15. You think you’re crazy to have this dream

16. Other people think you’re crazy to have this dream

17. Funds will be limited

18. You may say or make the wrong move with an important person (of course, unknowingly)

19. Someone you wanted to join your big endeavor…decides not to

20. You get rejected multiple times (but you still keep going)

21. You question your faith, the universe, the world

22. You see how cold the world is

23. You will realize the power that you have to change the world with dream (and sometimes it can be a little intimidating)


The way forward in all of these scenarios is to never give up on yourself and to always believe in your journey. Trust us, The Road Less Traveled will always be worth it in the end. Don’t panic.