It’s What You Do With Your Time, That Matters Most

October 19, 2015 | Posted at 5:00 pm | by Nicole (Follow User)

How do you spend your time?

We are living in the age of “the busy body.”

That’s right. Everyone is too busy to slow down. Go, go, go, go. Thoughts are not fully developed and everything is instant. Speed is trumping perfection. We are now conditioned to want everything instantly as if time is running out and we need to gather every item, meal, and picture before it’s all over.

We are like hamsters running on the wheel trying to keep up. Injecting ourselves with caffeine just to stay awake. But what exactly are we running towards? Following the systems will lead you nowhere. You will die running. Just like test hamsters.

So I ask you…

Do you feel like you are running out of time to reach your goals? Do you feel rushed and pressured by society to make everything happen overnight?

STOP. This is the moment –your moment– to slow down and determine where you are headed. There is no time like now to make time for what you really want to do. Your life is your chance to create the world you wish to see…to change the world for the better. Think about the type of world you want your children to grow up in. The type of world you want to live in. You can help change all of that.

Your actions today, determine how smooth your tomorrow will go. Your actions today, determine your past. If you are doing the right thing, time will flow. If not, time will work against you. So take that break off the wheel and sit in solitude for a moment. Listen to your life.

Change comes in the present when you make the decision to make your future path different. Instead of looking back with a heavy heart, you want to look back and say, “I did my best and I’m happy with that.”

It’s about what you do with your time that matters most.


Time is a gift. A present that we control.

The present is just a moment. Understand that you don’t get to open the same present twice. The future is a dream and it’s all up to you. The past is the reality of what really happened. Each day you see the sunrise, know that it’s another chance to be you and more time has been added to your life.

And that is beautiful.

“Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.”~Alan Lakein