We Want Things To Be Better, But Why Don’t We Make Them Happen?

October 7, 2015 | Posted at 12:12 am | by Ashley (Follow User)

I have become convinced of something about our world.

Before I tell you what it is, let me give you an overview of today’s society.

Well, there’s a whole lot of negativity. Every time I turn on the news, I hear about another twentysomething killing another twentysomething; I hear about a crisis happening somewhere in the world because of a person hurting or killing someone; I hear about an injustice done to a person around my age; I hear about a teen who took his or her life because of bullying; I hear about people my age having financial trouble because of the economy; I hear about immigrants failing to be able to obtain a better life for themselves because of various rules and regulations; I hear about a recent high school grad who can’t receive funding to attend college; I hear about teens who are depressed because of something said to them on social media… Too much negativity, right?

Sometimes, I really don’t understand how we can treat each other so cruel and act like our actions don’t impact one another. I don’t understand why we refuse to help each other, when we may have the ability to make a difference. Sometimes, I wonder: Why is it that our world is the way that it is?

But every single time that I ask myself that question, this answer always hits me:

It’s because of us.


We are the ones to blame for why our world is the way that it is. For some reason, we have become numb to hurting each other. We have become numb to not helping each other. We have become deaf to suffering and violence. And even when tragedy does happens, I’ve noticed that we have a moment when we all get sad and question why. But then, many times, we all turn around and go back to acting selfish, numb, and cold. It doesn’t make any sense.

Sure, we may want the world to be better. However, we need to realize that we are the ones to blame for why our world is not becoming better. We are the reason for the current state of our world.

If we want to make this country and this world a better place for ourselves and future generations, then we first have to change ourselves and our perspective on how our actions alone can impact others. As Leo Tolstoy once put it, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Interesting, right?

If we want to make things better, then we all need to ask ourselves, what exactly are we doing every day to make this world a better place? Whose lives are we positively impacting? How are we making a difference? We must remind ourselves: We are the change that we wish to see in this word. Therefore, we have to be willing to start change. We cannot rationalize that “someone else will do it.” No! You do it. You find a way to make the difference. This is especially applies to those in positions of influence.

So in the words of legendary singer Michael Jackson, realize: “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”

Realize change all starts with you.

CURRENT SONG: Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson