My Vision For The World? That We All Help Change It

October 9, 2015 | Posted at 3:25 pm | by Harnoor (Follow User)

I am what many would call the outgoing teenager –which seems weird to some, as people believe that the stage of being a teenager is where their immaturity shows.

Harnoor Gill is the founder of the Peace Welcome Club. Here he is collecting garbage and helping to clean up the Credit River at Willow Park Ecology Centre.

However, I would like to counter that by saying that as an eleventh grade student, I am proud to say that I am excited to be a part of World Vision Canada’s Youth team! I founded my own group at the age of 14 in February of 2012 known as Peace Welcome Club, where I decided to take the initiative of creating a youth-led group in order to raise awareness that many newcomers don’t receive enough information on where youth can go if they want to get involved in the community.

Saving the environment is also a passion of mine. I have successfully written hundreds of articles discussing the topics of youth involvement and important youth initiatives. As a world changer, I want to expand the views that people have on different countries, to make it more positive and welcoming.

As a Canadian of Indian descent, I don’t think it’s fair that people judge India based only on its economy. India has so many things to offer such as the countless students that go abroad to study, and the immense heritage that is so well highlighted in western media.

As a world changer, I would like to alter the face of poverty in this planet by addressing issues that often get ignored. I believe that if enough people recognize that lifting people out of poverty is an important goal than as a planet, we can accomplish something great.

I would like to be a world changer by raising awareness on climate issues, as it has a direct impact on whether one will experience poverty, lack of safety, food, and other resources. We all need to work together fast, to decrease harmful pollutants in our world.

In terms of changing the world, I am particularly inspired by World Vision. The beliefs of this humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organization remind me of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy…

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


And to me, this is what World Vision exemplifies. Through their aid and support, those in need in our world receive help. Even more, Mahatma Gandhi’s dream was also to help people to be accepted by their casts, by fellow Indians.

World vision does things that have the maximum benefit for children, in both their long term or short-time projects. If children are suffering through poverty and are starving then World Vision resolves the problem in the underlying food shortages. In this way, the children would not only receive the food, but also sustainable solutions for them to survive in the future.

These are just some of the great things that I am proud to be a part of as I set out to change the world. And why? Because I am a world changer and want to encourage others to help change the world, too.