Amazon Pulls “Rescue the Anorexic Girl” App After Backlash

April 10, 2015 | Posted at 6:48 pm | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

When it comes to eating disorders, most people think that “just eating” is the answer to wellness. As if it is that simple.

Amazon recently retracted an app called “Rescue the Anorexic Girl” that played into that dangerous idea. To “rescue” the very thin girl, you would throw pies at her face.

I was shocked, hurt, and angry when I saw this. It seems like that is the stance that society takes when it comes to eating disorders. “If I can just get you to eat, I don’t have to deal with you and you will be better. If you can eat, you can be normal again.” Unfortunately, we know this is not how it works…

To read more of this story written by Hilary Schafer, click here. Proud2BMe is a partner of RIZZARR and is affiliated with the National Eating Disorders Association.