Honestly, What Kind Of World Do We Want?

December 3, 2015 | Posted at 11:00 pm | by Benjamin (Follow User)

Devastation from one corner of the world… literally, can impact us all. The recent San Bernardino shooting made that clear.

It seems like every week…practically every day, there’s another mass shooting. There have been so many, like the Oregon shooting…the Colorado Springs shooting…the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting…and more. I can’t believe that the San Bernardino shooting happened right on the brink of the anniversary of Sandy Hook and has been determined to be the deadliest mass shooting since it.

We are living in dark times. One may wonder why people have it in their hearts to take the lives of innocent people. To be honest, many people are going to write about that event and still hypothesize why that happened. I have read many social media posts, articles, and actively listened to personal opinions regarding it.

I am not going to sit here and write about how we should change our gun laws or anything political.


Because I do not have the perfect answer on how to solve and stop these shootings from continuing to occurr. 


It could be that the government really needs to analyze our nation’s gun laws… it could be many things. If we all had the answers, then tragic events like these would not be a recurrence. I think this is a time for deep reflection… for all of us to become more introspective in order to examine what is important in our lives.

Life can be taken away without notice.

I started writing for RIZZARR, because I believe in our philosophy that all it takes is one person to start. However, I naïvely thought that this philosophy only pertained for the benevolent, inspirational human being. Yesterday, I realized that it also takes one person to harm our society, to cause us to lose hope in humanity. It is these events that shake us and allow us to acknowledge that there is evil in the world. This event should provide us with more insight, because we are not immune to these tragedies. We are not immune to anything that impacts one part of our world. Instead, every action and every word somehow connects us all…

Across the world, innocent children are being killed. Syrian children are being attacked and child soldiers are being trained to kill. Yesterday and even today, should be a day of mourning. However, let us also mourn other children who are being innocently attacked on a day-to-day basis.

We should be the ripple to friends and family members who are suffering in this time of loss. We need to be agents of change and provide light in these dark times.

We must stay strong and hope and pray for a better tomorrow. We must realize that we have the power to create the world that we wish to have as our actions and our words somehow connect us and impact us all.

So now the question is: Honestly, what kind of world do we want?