A Message To The Depressed, Know You Never Have To Take Your Life

August 27, 2016 | Posted at 12:45 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

It has been two years since Robin Williams passed away and for some reason, I still can’t believe that his life ended in the way that it did.

I remember watching Mrs. Doubtfire as a kid and being so tickled by all of his jokes and how he pretended to be a woman. It was just hilarious. I also loved Aladdin and later realized that he was the genie’s voice. He was brilliant then, he was brilliant now, and I always remember him as being a brilliant actor and comedian.

His death was completely shocking to me as it was to the rest of the world. I guess the reason that I want to bring up this topic again is that I was to encourage people who are depressed or who are contemplating suicide to know that you don’t have to go through what you are going through alone and you don’t have to take your life. I feel like there needs to be a continuation of discussions on this topic in order to free people from their pain and to save lives.

I’m sure we all have had moments when we have been really sad about something. I personally have had moments of being really sad but depression is different than just being “really sad.” If you’ve never been depressed, understand it’s like something is on you… depleting you… and you can’t escape it. Here’s a video created by YouTuber Sky Williams that explains it really well.


I know people who have struggled with depression and suicide. I know that depression and suicide are very difficult things to seek help for them. But, there is no reason that anyone should allow them to diminish their spirit and their fight to live their best life.

Please never be afraid of seeking help or admit that you are contemplating suicide.

I realize that there are many things that can trigger suicidal thoughts. So many things. There are also many factors that play a role. But by being honest with yourself and the people around about what’s going on, you will be able to free yourself and be able to get help so you can pinpoint what exactly is causing you to feel this way.

Whatever it is that you are going through, please know that your life truly matters. You may not always personally feel like it does, but trust me, it’s true. Your life is so important to your loved ones and to the world. I think the death of Robin Williams clearly shows how one life can have a such an impact on so many.

Please know that there is a reason why you are here and you don’t have to allow your thoughts to take control of your life and your destiny.

If you or anyone who you know is suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts, please seek help. You can start by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You never have to take your life.