Refuse To Follow The Crowd & Embrace Who You Are

August 9, 2015 | Posted at 1:26 am | by Evelina (Follow User)

For peers can know us better than our self.

And the truth sometimes can make our heart melt.

But for others, they don’t know who you are inside.

Because it’s more interesting to believe rumors, stereotypes, and lies.

And you ask who I be?

I will tell you– I am me.

I refuse to follow the herd.

And, I’ll admit it– I can be the biggest nerd.

Hard work, integrity, responsibility, and respect.

This is what I look for in people and nothing less.

I try to stay optimistic until the end of the day.

I like people who actually have something to say.

Say it to my face or ask me for advice…not a big deal.

Because I believe in giving an answer that is the complete truth and being real.

And you ask who I be?

I’ll tell you—I am me.


I see the world changing and values lost.

Instead of helping others, people just want to look hot.

People seem to crave wealth and fame.

And Hollywood, stop making sequels that are so lame.

Let’s conform to what is rad.

‘Cuz not caring about school or family seems to be such a fad.

I see gas prices and college prices making a wallet dent.

And I see people dying over an 89 percent.

I see people who are better friends with their bong.

And man, “Why can’t we just all get along?”

But, I also see something to help me cope.

I see in people the best thing this world has to offer…




I believe this world can be better based on that front page.

I see people willing to make that critical change.

People are giving those who are in hospitalization.

Students have helped Uganda and set up non-profit organizations.

When I felt like I was dying,

All my friends called me because they knew I was crying.

When sick, my temperature rose like a high tide,

And my family still decided to stay by my side.

I admire those who want to lend a hand.

And I applaud to those who choose not to by stand.

My heroes are the people who could care less about stupid remarks,

‘Cuz they know they are doing what’s right and from the heart.

You should ask, “Who I could be?”

I’m imperfect, happy, and loved… I am Evelina Weary.