11 Ways To Become The Person You Were Always Destined To Be

June 19, 2024 | Posted at 10:54 am | by Christianne (Follow User)

Answer this honestly, “Are you happy?”

This question, though simple, has caused many people over the history of mankind to rethink their purpose. Many times these three words have inspired people to leave a life of “normality” in order to begin truly living.

The pursuit of happiness is a powerful one. This is because in finding true happiness, we end up falling in love with life, but most importantly, we learn to fall in love with ourselves and who we are. And when we do this, we begin to live life wholeheartedly! Living wholeheartedly means recognizing that you are a gift to this world. It means pursuing your purpose and embracing life and all of its beauty, even when everything seems to be in chaos all around you at times.

Know that you have a unique light within you, that only you can illuminate- gifts and talents that you can use to make this world a better place. Most importantly, you deserve to be happy. And it’s in finding your happiness that you will be able to embrace who you truly are.

Here are 11 ways you can live wholeheartedly and become the person you were destined to be:

1. Do What You Love.

It may sound like an age-old cliche, but it’s so true! You were made to be happy, and you have every right to pursue what you are passionate about. Even if society tells you it’s unconventional, you were made with your own unique talents and abilities. So use these gifts and make a life out of them!

2. Do Everything With Purpose.

Your time is way too valuable to waste it doing things that won’t make a positive impact in this world. The whole essence of living wholeheartedly is to live with meaning. No matter how big or small your actions, make sure they mean something, and make sure they mean something good.

3. Have A Grateful Attitude.

Gratitude is the most powerful gift that we can ever possess. Gratitude has the ability to make change, to heal, make peace and soften even the hardest of hearts. No matter what a selfish society will try to tell us, we are our brother’s keeper. When we act out of gratitude and love, we are making this world a better, happier place for everyone around us. Living with gratitude tells our neighbors that they do matter and we are thankful for them. Just think of the difference you can make with gratitude!

4. Take Risks.

It’s like the saying goes, ‘You’ll never know unless you try.’ We all have dreams written on our hearts that we were meant to pursue! Even if fear starts creeping in and tells you that you can’t, remind yourself that you were meant to do great, amazing things in this world. The world is waiting for you- for your footprint! Every great accomplishment started as a great risk. Never let the fear of failing stop you from becoming who you were meant to be.

5. Believe In Yourself.

Living wholeheartedly means believing more than what just mere reason presents to us. Belief and reason don’t always go together (well, usually). You’ll miss out on a beautiful life if you close yourself off to the notion of faith. Pray! Believe in miracles! Know that God loves you and wants you to be happy!

6. Be Kind.

You’ll never get anywhere in life and truly be happy at the same time if you are mean. Being kind to those we encounter truly has the power to lift our spirits. Everyone has their own battle that they are facing daily. Be a ray of hope in someone’s day. You never know how much of a difference you’ll make through your compassion.

7. Never Compromise Yourself.

You’ll never be able to truly love any other aspect of your life, if you don’t truly love yourself first. Take time to truly embrace who you are: your strengths, weaknesses, talents. Like I keep reiterating, you are a gift to this world! Believe in how truly special you are and you will begin to believe in the beauty of your dreams.

8. Seek Wisdom.

So many times we are chasing our dreams but we begin to lose our drive and get lost on the journey. It’s in these times that we must remember to be humble and remind ourselves that there are people who have been in our same shoes. Seeking guidance is a key step to success. Read the Bible, pray, talk to someone in your life that you trust, read up on the lives of those you look up to. In doing this, there will lie the answer in what you should do next.

9. Forgive.

Holding grudges against those who have hurt us is the biggest block to living a happy, wholehearted life. Learn to let go, because forgiveness does not make you a weak person. Forgiveness sets you free from being a slave to pain. A life of happiness is a life of freedom. But, you can only be liberated if you forgive- let go of that weight on your heart and live!

10. Be Thankful and Be Apart of Life’s “Helping” Team.

No matter what you may think, you have not gotten to where you are in life without the help of someone else. Living life is a team effort. We need one another to help us survive and get by. Be grateful of all your gifts, talents and blessings. It is in having a grateful attitude that we begin to be optimistic and have a beautiful outlook on life. People who live wholeheartedly are some of the most thankful people. They realize that their happiness is a result of other people helping them out along the way.

11. Use your life for something greater than yourself.

You aren’t here just to be here. You are to make a difference and to use your life as well as the person who you become to help others. Don’t take that for granted.

It’s up to you. Choose to live wholeheartedly. Even though life isn’t always easy, you deserve to be happy and live the amazing life you are destined to have. Trust me, you have nothing to lose, but so much to gain.