Vision For Visionaries: How To Embrace The ‘World Can’t Stop Me’ Mentality

January 10, 2015 | Posted at 11:48 pm | by Morgan (Follow User)

“There’s no reason to have a Plan B, because it only distracts you from Plan A.”  ~Will Smith


However, once you get the ball rolling by completing chapter after chapter you may start to wake up with a “world can’t stop me” mentality and as of just two weeks ago, I quickly adopted that mantra. So what is it about the summer time and the yearning feeling for individuals to tackle on projects that the other seasons don’t get to experience?


Maybe deep down we are all Earthiopians who migrated from the equator and the Sun is our motherly womb- yea that may be a stretch, but it’s not simply a coincidence that a majority of yearly planning, personal development goals, or whimsical adventures come into fruition when the Sun is giving us the most energy.  As Newton’s Law states, energy is never created or destroyed- it’s only displaced.


Placing my 2012 summer in perspective, there is one word that can provide the best visual, “cycles.”  Just like the four seasons, we as human beings have our own seasons; some warmer and brighter, and some foggier or gloomier than the last one.


Now, it is of personal choice for which season you want to deem your “favorite,” in other words- which cycle will you give the most energy to- the sunny or gloomy one?  And to be honest, I’ve gone through a couple of cycles this summer, but over the last few weeks I’ve been shinning, blazing hot!





I recently began reading, The Magic of Thinking Big… by Dr. David J. Schwartz, focusing in on the powerful secrets within ourselves that we should start unlocking to see success roll out like a never-ending rug. Then, suddenly, in one section I came across a part in which Dr. Schwartz mentions, “Every bit of human progress was visualized before it became a reality.”



It was such a simplistic, yet phenomenal statement to reflect on.



Just think about it, think about just a few accomplishments that you have achieved, and now reach back into your vast memory bank and recall when you first painted a mental picture in your mind of: passing that exam, winning that game, accepting that honor or award, the grand-opening of your new business, the release of your first single, speaking in front of a large group, dominating an interview for summer job, or even when you asked the one you’re attracted to out to eat for the night.


All of these things, whether on a large or small scale, were placed on canvases in our heads and we eventually had to put in diligent work to add beautiful colors so the piece could come to life. So that’s it! It’s that simple- visions are more powerful than we may think, just embrace the artist that you really are and eventually you can hang up your work for you and the world to enjoy.



Now I ask myself, what do I do I do with this re-born information? 





Well, what I’ve realized through recent experiences in the last few years is that  the value of something is truly added when others have the opportunity to benefit from it as well. Therefore, my next action item on the production list is to provide “food for thought” emails on a daily basis that could possibly spark a new or old vision that individuals in my line of relationships have.





Question: One of my visions? 


Answer: Seeing myself and everyone else bring their paintings to life during the best cycles that they have to offer.


It’s your choice, make the best decision for your life, and surrender to your vision.