8 Easy Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

September 19, 2019 | Posted at 4:15 pm | by Kayla (Follow User)

People who feel unmotivated often wait for inspiration to hit. However, sometimes you’re boxed in by obligations and don’t have time to wait for ideas to appear. You’re better off doing activities you know will reenergize your creative mind.

But what are those? Do you know what motivates you? Is there a common denominator between all the times you’ve felt inspired before?

If you’re not sure what your motivator is, it’s time to discover one. Read on for eight techniques you can use to encourage creativity whenever you need a boost.

1. Do Research

Most people know why research is essential, but they don’t find the task fun or exciting. It’s far from boring when done creatively, however. It consists of more than reading books and academic journals — you can interview an acquaintance, visit a historical site or hop on a museum tour. Research can involve anything depending on what you aim to create.
If you’re writing a novel about a rockstar, you may attend various concerts to get a feel for the performance aspect. If you’re composing a song about someone living by the sea, you may visit a sea town or an aquarium for accuracy with lyrics and instrumentals.

2. Study Others’ Perspectives

One of the best ways to ramp up your creativity is to get inspiration from others. This method doesn’t mean plagiarizing — it means studying others’ accomplishments and pondering how what they mean to you. Step into someone else’s shoes for a minute, hour or day and think about how they accomplish great feats. What do you do differently or the same?
Engage with work you usually wouldn’t. If you dislike sci-fi, watch one episode of a science-based TV show. If non-fiction bores you, read a short story within the genre. Exploration will show you the value of different perspectives.

3. Sing in the Shower

Yes, even this activity inspires imagination. In fact, 60% of all people love busting out tunes during their daily shower, and for good reason.

Studies show that singing releases feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine that boost your confidence and mood. With a reduction of stress and an increase in happiness, it may be easier to come up with innovative ideas. A relaxed mind functions better than an overworked one, so warm up those vocal cords and belt your favorite song.

4. Travel to Someplace New

Learn the world around you. Always being in the same environment can sap your creativity and make brainstorming harder. People tend to absorb ideas and mannerisms when around each other for long periods, which stunts growth. Sometimes you need a change in scenery to kickstart originality. You don’t have to travel anywhere extravagant, especially if your funds don’t allow for it.

Visit the next state over, or spend a couple nights on the opposite side of your city. Studies have suggested that individuals who spend time abroad consistently produce more creative work, and this increases with the number of places they visit.

5. Observe Nature

Immersing yourself in nature reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and lessens depression. These effects become apparent with the phenomenon of forest bathing, mostly popular in Japan but expanding within the West. Take a walk in a wooded area and listen to the sounds. Breathe in the scents. Feel the texture of flowers and plants you encounter — only if they’re safe, of course. Consider how your surroundings can apply to your next creative endeavor.
Whether you pull inspiration directly from nature or not, you’re sure to come up with some fresh ideas.

6. Write What Comes to Mind

Freewriting is a common method of conceptualization when you’re up against a wall. All you need is a writing utensil and some paper, although some do it on electronic devices. It’s arguably more effective to write than type because it promotes better memory retention, but the technique you choose is up to you.

Time yourself for 10 or 15 minutes and write anything that pops into your head. You’re bound to produce something you can develop into a bigger idea.

7. Gather Inspirational Ideas

See a picture that inspires a book idea? Save it your device. Hear a song that invigorates your creative muscles? Listen to it as you work. When you come across something that motivates you, save it and look back on it when you need a shot of innovation. Avoid copying it, but think of ways to make it better — something different yet with a similar essence.

8. Unplug and Relax

The internet is a glorious place for ideas, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Millions of thoughts exist in cyberspace, and you may find it difficult to parse through them for reliable content. Whenever this happens, step away from your device and do something else.

This tip may seem counteractive, especially when you’re on a deadline, but unplugging clears your mind. You can’t work at your best level when you’re burnt out.

Get Creative by Changing Your Routine

Encouraging creativity takes patience, but the output is rewarding. It moves people to produce inventions and synthesize original ideas. Handle the process with care, and you’ll be glad you did when you achieve your end goal.