7 Ways That A Morning Workout Routine Can Optimize Your Day

May 6, 2024 | Posted at 12:30 am | by Aditya (Follow User)

Our modern life with its various intricacies leaves us with little time to focus on our health. A World Health Organization report shows that in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.

These problems are easily preventable by making healthy lifestyle choices. You can start by just eating better, giving 30 minutes of your morning to working out. Mornings are the best time to work out as it leaves you energized and helps you lose weight. However, weight loss is not the only benefit that comes with working out in the early mornings. 

Read on to learn the 7 different benefits of a morning workout and how it can optimize your day:


1. There are little to no distractions in the morning

The quiet in the morning can help you focus better on your body’s needs & requirements. If you prefer going to a gym, you will find it to be mostly empty. So, you can get in and get your workout done without having to wait in line for using the machines. It is also less likely for you to be distracted by phone calls or text messages in the early hours.


2. Sets the tone for the rest of the day

Starting the day with a healthy choice like working out will make it less tempting to indulge in unhealthy behavior later. This 2018 study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that exercise can make people conscious of their choices, thereby helping people make more informed decisions. The study was conducted on 2,680 college students who were asked to complete a 15-week exercise program. Those who took part reportedly made healthier eating choices without being asked to do so.

The program only involved three 30-minute sessions of cardio. It was found that students who took part in the program ate significantly less red meat and fried foods.


3. Provides more energy throughout the day

Regular exercise boosts energy and reduces tiredness & fatigue. Oxygen is supplied to the heart and lungs when you use your muscles. This results in the improvement of the cardiovascular system. It also increases stamina and the body’s endurance limit leaving you to feel energized. If you begin your day by exercising, you are bound to feel it’s effects on the latter half of the day.


4. Increases focus

Exercising has proven to be a key factor in increasing focus. If you are someone who easily loses focus and can spend important working hours procrastinating, an early morning workout may be the solution. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2019 observed that morning workout routine can significantly improve visual learning, attention spans, and decision-making. In this study, participants were asked to sit for 8-hours a day with and without a 30-minute morning walk on the treadmill. They were also allowed a 3-minute break from the treadmill on occasions. The results showed that participants had better cognition on the days that started with a morning exercise. The results were even better on the days when a 3-minute break was allowed.


5. Starts the day stress-free

During physical exercise, our brains produce endorphins. These are neurotransmitters that make us feel good and happy. Starting the day with feeling happy means less stress throughout the day. You will feel that you accomplished something for yourself and start the day on a good note.


6. Helps in losing weight

A 2015 study published in the journal EBioMedicine concludes that early morning workouts help lose weight. The study comprised 10 young men who were asked to exercise in different periods including in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It was found that the 24-hour fat burn was the highest in men who exercised in the morning on an empty stomach. So, if you are looking to lose weight. an early morning workout before breakfast might be your best bet.


7. Assists in controlling appetite

Exercise at any time of day can help regulate appetite as it reduces the hormone that causes the feeling of hunger, ghrelin. Moreover, It also increases hormones that make you feel full, like glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY. However, morning workouts may assist you in controlling your appetite even further. Look at this 2012 study published by the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Journal. The study was done on 35 women whose brain waves were measured after a 45 minute morning walk on a treadmill. They were shown pictures of flowers (the control) and food after the exercise. The same exercise was repeated a week later but without administering any exercise first. It was observed that on the days without a morning walk, women released stronger brain waves when shown pictures of food. This study is paramount in suggesting that morning workouts can help you control your appetite and ultimately be healthier.



Scientists have given their verdict that early morning workout routines can make you a healthy and happy human. Let’s look back on how morning routines can help you optimize your day:

1. As there are no distractions in the morning, it is easier to get a better workout than any other part of the day.

2. Starting the day with exercising will make you conscious of your choices like what you are eating for the rest of the day.

3. You will be refreshed and feel less lethargic for the rest of the day.

4. Morning workouts help increase attention and focus.

5. It also reduces stress by producing endorphins.

6. It helps you lose weight.

7. You are more likely to be in control of your appetite if you start your day by exercising.