7 Surprising Signs Your 20s Are Going Better Than You Think

January 30, 2018 | Posted at 11:30 am | by Paul (Follow User)

Failing and your twenties go together like Chip and Joanna Gaines. They just seem to always be together.

If your 20s haven’t exactly gone as planned, you’re not alone.

Actually you’re more in the norm than you think.

Nobodies life is as good as it looks on Instagram. As I write about in my not-yet-released book 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties, “There’s another side to everyone’s Instagram photo that they’re not exactly taking a picture of.”

But maybe your life is going even better than you think?

Even if you feel like you’re failing your twenties and the challenges you’re facing are overwhelming, check out these surprising signs your twenties are actually going better than you realize and success is just around the corner.

7 Surprising Signs Your 20s are Going Better Than You Think

1. Nothing feels normal

This doesn’t sound very exciting, but I promise it’s a good thing.

Feeling a little abnormal is the new normal of your twenties.

That just means you’re exploring, trying new things, and finding a new path. If everything felt normal, then you wouldn’t be changing, growing, or creating. You’d be that person still eating five bowls of cereal in your college cafeteria. And while I miss eating bowl after bowl of Berry Captain Crunch, my body is very thankful there is a new normal.

2. You’ve lost some baggage

No, I’m not talking about throwing your luggage off your next American Airlines flight. They frown on that.

I’m talking about cutting off some of the heavy stuff that has been dragging you down. Sometimes that can be a toxic relationship. Or maybe it’s just negative thoughts you’ve believed about yourself for too long. You don’t grow up without having some negative definitions people have thrown at you stuck on your white canvas.

Whether it’s with a friend or dating relationship, sometimes breaking up is the best thing that could’ve happened. While breakups can feel uncomfortable and painful, it’s actually freeing you to run free and with more purpose.

It’s hard to run a race with a dead yak tied to your ankle.

3.  There’s so much you don’t know

When you graduate college, ready to change the world, then quickly realize that you don’t know squat, it can be a sickening feeling.

Yet, the moment you realize how much you don’t know, is the moment a fire is lit to learn more. To dive deeper. To open great books and really ask people questions, not for a grade, but because your life depends on it.

A passionate learner who realizes how much they don’t know is ten times better off than a complacent person who thinks they know everything.


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