7 Steps To Spiritual Awakening And Personal Transformation

September 10, 2024 | Posted at 5:57 am | by Natalie D (Follow User)

Establishing a connection between your inner world and the universe and your origin is known as spirituality. The path to enlightenment and discovering your divine abilities is known as spiritual awakening. Besides, people often begin adhering to faith and lose sight of the spiritual dimension.  

There is a significant distinction between spirituality and religion. Everyone ought to value spirituality, and the educational system should also incorporate it. 

Spirituality is mostly about paying attention to your surroundings and practicing meditation. It is about separating from everything and living in your own self. When you do, you seek out all of the information and truth made available to you. However, let’s read on to understand the steps involved in the spiritual awakening and transformation journey. 

The Seven Steps Involved 

  1. Ask for Assistance

During the initial phase of change, we become aware that a valuable element is absent from our lives. Without that something, everything feels empty and lifeless, even though we might not know what it is. Our lives don’t have any greater purpose. 

Even while we’ve reached a certain degree of comfort, we know deep down that we were meant for something greater than the same old, motionless days. 

  • At this point, the most frequent queries are: Is this all? 
  • Did I always have to live this way? 
  • Will I spend the remainder of my life living the same way?  

Deeper introspection and questioning of ourselves bring about a force that fills the gaps in our lives. This is when you are willing to submit to God to transform your character, making way for the 7th step prayer to be a part of your transformation journey. Thus, we enter the second stage. However, you can remind your soul of these steps by getting a 7th-step prayer engraved plaque.  

  1. The Initiation

The call for assistance has been heard. People start to doubt their values, beliefs, and the nature of reality at this phase. They might practice introspection, thinking deeply about the meaning of life and themselves. This may entail wondering why they are suffering, the point of life, and who they really are. 

You get your first glimpse of the outside world at the initiation. Your heart starts to wake as something or someone wakes you from a deep sleep. 

  1. The Soul’s Dark Night

The dark night of the soul comes after the initiation. The other person fades away if love was the catalyst for our introduction. It worsens if our initiation is traced through a difficult circumstance. Here, we reach our lowest point during the soul’s dark night spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.  

Your ingrained training and hidden tendencies from the upbringing and culture emerge at this point. Moreover, your inner voice of fear grows louder and more insistent. Pain thresholds may be reached. Above all, you will collapse after one more drop. 

Often, nobody can truly comprehend how deeply hurt we are. It’s hardly surprising that many people lose themselves in the third phase. The longer it takes, the more resistance we have to it. 

  1. Confront Inner Demons

We reach the fourth stage, where we confront our inner demons and give up. We all give up eventually when we understand that our outdated mindsets will only lead us back to our previous places.  

In the fourth stage of personal transformation, we must relinquish the urge to know what to do next.  

We give ourselves over to a force bigger than ourselves when we let our hearts open and let it guide us. We experience inner serenity and can start to hear our inner guidance when we surrender. All of a sudden, we no longer feel so adrift. 

We occasionally find ourselves floating in the realm of potential during this phase of inner development. However, these times are soon followed by a return to the pitch-black abysses of unbelief and terror. 

  1. Finding Your Purpose

When we give up, we become aware of our mission. Even though we still have worries, we no longer allow them to control us as they once did. 

Above all, living according to our purpose entails turning us into active agents in our own lives. We must express who we truly are and stop letting other people control our lives since there is no turning back. 

We are asked to express our true selves by our higher selves. This inevitably results in the need to observe and address a deeper layer of worries. It still seems unsettling to step into a new version of ourselves. 

We must first come to terms with who we have become. Since every seed needs rich soil to thrive, it’s a good thing that we haven’t shared it with anyone yet. 

  1. Harmony and Basis

It’s time to relax after all your hard work before moving on to the next level. We must find equilibrium by bringing our ideas and feelings to our behavior.  

Our inner direction often wanes during this stage of the change process. In this sense, the universe allows us room to construct solid new foundations and act on what we have learned thus far. 

We arrange everything in its proper location, just like when you put the puzzle pieces in their proper places. As such, we may have to let go of certain individuals and welcome others into our lives. 

  1. Personal Strength

In the final phase, we accept accountability for the effects of our decisions and thoughts on others and ourselves. Ultimately, we see that the force that is calm, loving, profound, and in harmony with the universe’s grander scheme is what gives rise to our reality.  

When we maintain our composure, we can stop ourselves before we start a quarrel or desire to behave out of habit.  

We figuratively occupy the throne of our empire. 


Remembering that this is a maturation process, much like becoming older, is crucial. Buddhism holds that until we reach nirvana, we shall keep evolving and learning. 

The Oxford Dictionary describes nirvana as a transcendent condition where the individual is freed from the cycle of death and rebirth and experiences no desire, misery, or sense of self. You will be on a cyclical and continuous path towards spiritual awakening for the duration of your life.