7 Easy Ways To Find Strength To Work Out When You Feel Unmotivated

April 26, 2018 | Posted at 9:17 am | by Lara (Follow User)

For every health benefit of working out, people usually find three excuses not to. It can be difficult to muster the courage to even enroll in the local gym, but equally as challenging to stay motivated to work out regularly. People often cite reasons such as getting ready for the gym takes too long, lack of time or being tired as excuses to skip a workout. After a while, they start believing in their own excuses and make this a much better deal than it actually is. After all, you only need to dedicate an hour of your day, and you don’t even have to do it every day. All you need to do is break free from the enchanted circle of excuses and start sweating. Here are a couple of tips on how to get yourself motivated to work out when you’re not feeling it:  

Get In the Gear

Getting into your gym clothes is half the preparation for the gym. Don’t think too much, just put on those sweatpants. You’ll be less tempted to crash on the couch with the gear already on. Of course, you need clothes that will make you feel comfortable both in and out.  

Write Down How You Feel after a Workout

The best way to stay motivated is to remember how good you feel after a workout. And there’s no better way to remind yourself of that than keeping a journal. That way when you read the journal all the positive energy and post-workout excitement will flood you again, giving you a boost you need to hit the gym. Of course, this is the 21st century so you can also create a vlog documenting your fitness journey. The main reason many people skip going to the gym is because they feel tired after their 9-5 work routine. But all it takes to get motivated is to remember how empowered and vital you feel after each workout and you’ll get a reason not to delay it longer.  

Mix Up Your Workout Routine

If there’s one thing that will make workout tiresome is repeating the same routine over and over again. To make sure you don’t lose your motivation to work out make sure to mix up you workout routine every once in a while. Reputable gyms offer a variety of classes to choose from if you get tired of running the treadmill or the stationary bike every day. Of course, enrolling in different classes and mixing various types of exercises will deliver the desired results quicker, whether it’s weight loss, gains or just staying in shape.  

Make a Schedule (And Stick to It)

Even though it’s fun, you still need to treat your workout seriously. It might be easy to forget yourself and plan a night out with the boys or girls and completely neglecting the workout you had planned. If this has happened to you one too many times, perhaps it’s time you start putting your workouts in your schedule as something you cannot simply skip like you wouldn’t skip a date, a business meeting or even a casual get-together. After all, time spent at the gym is the time you dedicate to yourself. So don’t take that away from yourself.  

Mind What You Eat

If you eat junk food or too much sweets, your body will feel tired. As a result you’ll be lazy, grumpy and lose any motivation to work out. Moreover, eating junk food will delay your workout goals and no matter how hard you work out you won’t see any results if you keep eating junk. And no results means no motivation. Instead, look up healthy snacks and recipes online and replace an unhealthy hamburger with a refreshing, nourishing homemade salad or smoothie or a vegan protein shake. You’ll feel like you’re still giving yourself a treat.  

Work Out in a Group

If you don’t have the motivation to keep working out, joining or forming a workout group can make all the difference. If you have any friends who also enjoy spending time at the gym, it’s a good idea to get together and keep each other motivated. Perhaps start a little competition or be there to help each other with the difficult lifts. It can make all the difference.