6 Ways to Make Your Commute Productive

January 24, 2018 | Posted at 5:02 pm | by Kayla (Follow User)

The typical American commute takes half an hour — how long is your drive?

Whether you find yourself behind the wheel for an hour stuck in traffic or opt to take the subway instead to cut back on your morning commute time, nothing’s worse than spending those valuable minutes listening to the sound of honking horns or suffering through the same old radio songs stuck on repeat.

If you find your mind wandering or stuck in a cycle of dull mornings lacking a sense of purpose, add a little productivity to your daily commute that could drastically transform and improve your overall day.

Looking for a way to put some added pep in your step during those few — or many — precious minutes before you walk into work? Here’s a list of the six top ways you can transform your travel into a more productive commute.

1. Break Out the Planner

What better way to kick-start the day than with a little bit of productivity that helps you make a plan and stick to it?

Download a planner app that allows you to keep a schedule while organizing your daily meetings, assignments and events. Every time you resort to twiddling your thumbs during your morning commute to work on the bus or the train, put your idle hands to work more productively instead.

Don’t wait until you’re busy to put everything into place — use your spare time now! You’ll find that a brief morning checklist or organizational plan can go a long way toward saving you valuable time at the office.

2. Fulfill Your Social Media and App Cravings

So you may be thinking to yourself, “How exactly can browsing Facebook or beating my next level on Candy Crush create a more valuable start to the day?” While it may not make you more productive at the moment, getting your phone fix in the morning can help to keep you more focused on your actual job throughout the day.

If you’re sitting on the subway or carpooling in a taxi with nothing else to do, it’s okay to break out those treasured puzzle apps while casually checking your Twitter on the side. Using this strategy, you’ll be less likely to fixate on your phone while at work.

3. Pick Up on a Second Language

There’s never a better time to brush up on your beginning-level Spanish skills than during your morning commute to work. If your current knowledge of the language consists of a simple “hola” and “adios,” then try expanding your speaking capacities by engaging in learning exercises — all during your commute to work.

Consider downloading a language learning app such as Duolingo, which allows you to play fun games and learn a second language along the way. If you’re behind the wheel, opt for an audio version that teaches you orally instead.

4. Catch Up on Meetings and Conversations

If you usually walk into the office and find yourself overwhelmed with countless e-mails and meetings, why not catch up with your daily work communication by holding a teleconference from your phone? You can drive while using a hands-free microphone or opt for a video conference if you’re a passenger during your commute.

5. Listen to an Audiobook or Podcast

Listen to an educational webinar or sit back and relax while the speakers of your favorite podcast break out into an engaging conversation — now’s the perfect time to catch up on your favorite audios.

If you’re not one for podcasts, choose from some of the world’s current best-sellers or a reading of your favorite novel instead. Whether you’re an avid poetry reader or find yourself drawn to the anticipation of a good mystery, you’re sure to find an audiobook crafted to meet your style and storytelling needs.

6. Replace Four Wheels With Two

Sometimes it’s hard to get in your thirty daily minutes of exercise — especially after a long and hard day at the office. But while you may not find yourself with any free time to spare, we’re betting you can pencil in just enough time to get your heart pumping and your muscles working — during your commute to work, that is.

Forgo your daily ride to work by opting to ride a bike instead. Engaging in regular cycling results in an incredible number of health benefits, ranging from strengthened bones to an increased level of flexibility and overall fitness.

Stay Safe and Productive

When you think about all of the minutes you spend behind the wheel or sitting in a subway just during your travel to and from the office, you’ll realize those minutes can quickly add up to hundreds of hours in one year alone.

While it’s important to keep your mind occupied during your morning or evening commute to work, it’s also crucial to remember to prioritize your safety on the road. Be aware of the traffic or accidents in your area and sign up for alert messaging that informs you of any dangerous conditions, road closures or emergency alerts throughout the day.

With a stimulated mind and safe sense of being, you can make the most out of your time by skipping your mundane routine for a more productive and beneficial start to your day.