6 Ways To Conquer A Bad Body Image Day

March 13, 2016 | Posted at 4:42 pm | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

We’ve all been there before: you wake up, look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see. This past week I’ve had a few of those days, and I’ve developed some tips and tricks to help build up your self-esteem on bad body image days!

1. Remember: you are a boss a** b****. And that goes for all genders!

You have been through so much and conquered more than anyone could ever know. Your body has carried you through hell and high water. It carried you through some bad test scores, failed job interviews, house/apartment evictions, sickness and injuries, maybe even through self-harm. It carried you through the best days of your life, your graduation, your college acceptance, your successful job interviews, that first day of work or that first day of classes. It carried you when you fell in love, but more importantly it carried you when you fell out of it. Through all ups and downs of life you and your body persevered. At the end of the day, regardless of how you feel about your appearance, you are a boss ass bitch.

2. Pick out five characteristics of your physical appearance that you do feel proud of.

Now I know, you are worth WAY more than your physical appearance; your personality and how you treat others defines who you are, not the way you look—but on a bad body image day, sometimes you need to remind yourself that you do have physical features that you like.
Do you love the way your eyes glimmer in good lighting? Do you think that even though your toes are kind of crooked, they’re kind of cute? Did you just try a new eyebrow pencil and feel as if your brows are on fleek? Did you just trim your beard, and you’re feeling dapper as heck? Or did your mother comment on how beautiful you’ve been looking since you started eating again, and how your smile lights up the room? Whatever it may be, find at least five things about your physical appearance that make you feel confident. Write that shit down!

3. Do some hardcore pampering.

Go out to your local CVS or any sort of pharmacy/department store/super store and see if they have face masks. I found that they are actually fairly affordable and only about $2 apiece. If you identify yourself as male and feel uncomfortable dabbling with face masks, I dare you to try it anyway! You’ll feel better immediately, just because of how they make your skin feel. If face masks aren’t your thing, buy a new nail polish. When I was struggling with self-harm, whenever I had an urge I would paint my nails instead. Not only did I have really nice nails, but I was better off for it. If nothing I listed above sounds appealing to you, then just do whatever makes you feel good about yourself…

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