6 Ways Plants Can Enrich Your Life and Improve your Wellbeing

September 22, 2022 | Posted at 4:23 am | by Mark (Follow User)

In this day and age, it would be ridiculous to argue all the benefits that come with the urban lifestyle. However, we also must point out that human beings have spent the majority of their existence as a species in nature or at least heavily exposed to its wonders.

Our migration to concrete-clad cities uprooted us from the surrounding we found the most comforting and deprived us of countless benefits that are associated with natural surroundings.

Be that as it may, the fact we are living in crowded urban areas and seldom have a chance to spend time in nature doesn’t have to mean we have to drop the link with our origins altogether. Your lives can be made richer and better even with something as simple as indoor plants.

Let’s see how this connection works in greater detail.

Breaking up the traditional urban interior design

Modern society is moving in a very streamlined and subdued direction. While these traits can make our lives as well as the space we occupy simpler and less cluttered, the minimalism pushed by the latest interior design trends can make our lives monotonous and boring. The indoor plants can do a great job of breaking up this mainstream mold and enriching the space you live in with some much-needed life, color, and vibrancy. Even if you are living in a smaller apartment, vertical gardens can go a long way in making the interior space more welcoming and creating an interesting contrast to keep you fully energized.

Plants improve your mental wellbeing

The urban lifestyle can often be lonely and alienating. So, it shouldn’t really come off as a surprise that an increasing number of people are suffering from harmful mental states like depression. If we, for instance, look at Australia as an example of a developed urbanized country we will see that one in sixteen local citizens are struggling with this devastating condition. This is a good opportunity to mention that numerous studies have confirmed that indoor plants can have a tremendously positive impact on occupants’ mental state and emotional health reducing the feeling of anger, stress, and depression.

A fond memory and a perfect gift

Speaking of Australia, we would also like to point out another interesting trend that is picking quite a lot of steam Down Under. Namely, as of recently, we have seen a genuine growth in the popularity of plant gifts in Sydney and other urbanized areas. That shouldn’t come off as a surprise since in a time when gifts have become very uniform and sterile indoor plants can really shake things up and make the gifts feel far more personal and vivid. Plants are living breathing beings that ask for your love and commitment. They serve as a perfect reminder of the things that are truly important and relationships you hold dear.

Plants make you more creative and improve your productivity

In one of the previous sections, we mentioned that plants can do real wonders when it comes to the occupants’ mental health and happiness. However, the benefits of making your environment a bit greener do not end here. Namely, a recent UK study has indicated that the presence of plants in a workplace helped the workers to push their performance by a whole 15%. Since an increasing number of employees are being sent to remote work positions and struggling to achieve the desired level of performance, they just might need a slight touch of Mother Nature in their homes to make this idea work.

Improving the interior air quality

These days, we are all perfectly aware that we are living in an incredibly polluted society. With the air quality dropping to dismal and even harmful levels, people do everything in their power to make their homes healthier and more suitable for living. This is usually accomplished with expensive air purifiers and other expensive devices. Still, we should keep in mind that today we have identified a great number of indoor plants that will get you the same results and improve the quality of the air you are breathing for only a fraction of the price. Of course, the plants have the added benefit of other qualities we have covered.

A healthy habit to keep you in line

Last but not least, we would like to wrap things up by reminding you that even the most enduring plants require some level of care, love, and devotion. Learning how to keep these beauties alive, growing them to their full potential, and taking responsibility for their survival will make you a better person and helps you develop healthy routines you will leverage in other aspects of your life as well. As we all know, good habits encourage other good habits. Bad habits drag your entire private life down. Taking care of the plants might just be that slight nudge you need to choose the right track and keep pushing forward.

So, these were the top six ways plants can improve your personal wellbeing and change your life for the better. The modern lifestyle can often feel very taxing and relentless. The solutions we use to remedy this problem are often harmful and set us even further back. With things as they are, hitting the reset button and going back to our roots does seem like a really good idea. So, why wouldn’t you try to make your life only a bit greener?