6 Tips for Living a Holistic Lifestyle

June 10, 2019 | Posted at 7:33 pm | by Tess DiNapoli (Follow User)

A holistic lifestyle—one that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit—is a wonderful goal for greater health and happiness. But how do you get there? Where do you start?

As the wisest among us will say: It all begins with a small step. Then, by taking another small step and another, you can go much further than you ever thought possible. To help you get started, here are six tips to help you set out towards a more holistic lifestyle.


  • Sit Down and Assess Your Goals


There’s nothing like sitting down with a pen and paper and mapping out some goals to get started on some life changes. Firstly, it’s a way to “do something” without actually having to do anything. Secondly, it empowers you to see your goals become reality through a series of smaller actions.

Perhaps you want to improve your diet, start a meditation practice, or grow an herb garden. Whatever it is, the best way to begin is by making a plan and taking the first step. By reaching for your goals and growing constantly, you can keep expanding your comfort zone and inspire those around you to do the same.



  • Plan Ahead


Kathy Sierra, co-author of the bestselling Java serious Head First, notices that a lack of planning ahead of time (such as planning for meal prep) can suck up powerful mental energy that could best be used doing something more creative.

Think about it—how much time and brain power would you save if you had your meals and week planned out beforehand, did a weekly shopping trip, and prepared what you needed to do multiple days in advance? You’d be so much more focused and would also be better able to incorporate healthy habits like getting to bed earlier and playing outdoors with your kids.

Take the First Step: Make a timetable and meal plan for next week.



  • Your Mood Matters


Stressors and unexpected situations happen to everyone, but how you respond to them could affect your mental health up to 10 years after the fact. According to researchers, cultivating greater resilience towards minor events in your daily life and developing more positive feelings in general could lower your chances of suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders in the future.

Some great ways to cultivate positivity in your life include keeping a gratitude journal and surrounding yourself with positive people. Selected natural supplements, aromatherapy, and even the right soap could also help to lift your mood when you need an extra boost.

Take the First Step: Write down three things that you’re grateful for today.



  • Identify Your Biggest Stressors and Do Something About Them


If there is something specific that is causing major stress or discomfort in your life, focusing on removing, solving, or managing that problem could go a long way towards helping you achieve your goals.

It might be chronic pain, a toxic relationship, or uncontrolled work hours that don’t give you space to breathe and move forward in your life. Once that burden is minimized, you will have more brain power and energy to make faster progress!

Take the First Step: Think about the one factor in your life that is causing the most stress. Write down the stressor and one thing you can do to minimize it.



  • Move Your Body Every Day


Movement helps your mind, body, and spirit to stay in good shape. According to a narrative review, physical exercise can help you to live longer and feel happier. If you don’t have the time or interest to go to the gym, there are plenty of other ways you can incorporate movement into your life, such as going for a walk, joining a sports team, or taking a dance class. Even gentle movement such as yoga and Pilates can make a big difference.

Take the First Step: Go outside and walk for at least 15 minutes. Pay attention to how you feel afterwards. Did it give you a lift?



  • Grow Something


An age-old secret to wellbeing that is often overlooked is gardening. This simple and slow activity (although it can be hard work!) increases your fitness, nourishes your spirit, sharpens your mind, and helps the environment. As if that wasn’t enough to convince you, gardening also provides delicious vegetables and medicinal herbs that you will be much more motivated to eat when they’re ready to harvest!

Take the First Step: In the next week, pick up a seedling for an herb you like and place it in your kitchen window. Water it as needed and enjoy watching it grow.

With each positive idea you put into practice, remember to celebrate the small steps on the path to a healthier life and enjoy the journey!