6 Effective Ways to be Calm in every Situation

June 5, 2018 | Posted at 4:58 pm | by Lukas (Follow User)

Agree – “You are a gigantic jerk.” “I know right! Man I was an ass when I did that!” Agreeing puts the fight out of the argument and it allows you to see beyond what they say. You are not just a jerk or an ass, you are so much more than that!

Don’t Take it Personal – Even if someone calls you an asshole, it is just that you did something outside of what they expected or that wasn’t in line with how they view the world. Another person would praise you for doing the exact same thing. It’s not your fault they view you as being a jerk.

SIDENOTE: I am not saying you should actively be a jerk all the time. Do what you deem is best, and simply ignore the complaints of others

Take your Self-Worth from Deeper Within – You are not just a nice, kind, smart, friendly individual. You are also a jerk, an ahole, you are dumb and horrible at times. You are a mixture of every title and every characteristic!If someone calls you a jerk, let them. There is so much more to you that they aren’t even scratching the surface with what they say. Know you are more than you think you are.

Go in with an Intention – If you have an intention on what it is you want to achieve, then everything that is not what you want to achieve won’t phase you. Right now you are just taken aback by the things you do not like, regardless of how meaningful they are. But when you know what you want, everything else becomes secondary.

Become Proactive – If you do not like something: CHANGE IT! Too many people sit by, passive-aggressively trying to make others change their situations for them rather than picking themselves up and doing it themselves. If you do not like to be somewhere; LEAVE. If you don’t like someone talking to you that way; SAY IT. And if you are unhappy with the situation; MAKE IT BETTER! This is your life. No one is responsible for it other than you.

When you become more proactive and learn to take matters into your own hands you will avoid a lot of negativity and build the belief in yourself that you can affect the world around you. Now if anything negative or unnerving comes up, you will still know that you are in control.
(For more info I highly suggest reading up on Learned Helplessness and its effects.)

Don’t take it so seriously – Everything passes, good and bad. Even life will come to an end eventually, so why worry so much about this one situation? Right now you are living in an amusement park, and yes, you do have to leave eventually; we all do. However, you can worry about the crappy food you may have eaten or the bad ride you were just on, but that won’t make anything better. Or you just mark it off as a bad ride and leave it at that! In the end, “…it’s just a ride” – Bill Hicks.