6 Best Career Change Ideas for 2022

January 13, 2022 | Posted at 5:52 am | by Nina (Follow User)

As we spend a great deal of our lives working it’s a perfectly common notion not to stick to one job. We live in an utterly fast-past world, and there are more and more invigorating and fun jobs emerging that offer lucrative earnings and fantastic incentives. Not only that, but as the digital era is expanding even so great, it’s no wonder that many talented and hard-working individuals don’t want to settle for only one profession, and would like a change of career to get away from the tediousness, workload, and stress. Therefore, if you are considering a career change, here are some of the jobs that will take over 2022.

  • 1. Opt to become a much-needed healthcare practitioner


With the outburst of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s no surprise that there has become a high demand for jobs in healthcare. However, pandemic or no pandemic, any individuals who coordinate patient care such as nurse practitioners, anaesthetics, and even midwives will come to the much-deserved limelight. As the need for professional healthcare practitioners will be rising in 2022, changing careers to becoming a nurse would mean earning a six-figure income plus bonuses. Not only that, there are numerous healthcare jobs that are easy to get a licence for even if you don’t have a degree in medicine, so you could be trained to do many things a doctor does, and get paid to live like a royal.

  • 2. Become an alluring entertainment specialist make-up artist


Nowadays, more and more people get attracted to the cinematic universe. But, let’s face it, there is an abundance of jobs in the entertainment world, and it can be rather daunting to find the one that will give you the thrills and bucks. Luckily, if you were to enrol in a course to obtain a professional specialist make-up diploma, you could create a bombastic and well-paid career in the entertainment and cinematic world this 2022. Once you finish the course, you would learn the alluring cinematic make-up techniques like body painting, life casting, special effects make-up, the applications of various make-up themes and look, etc. This is the perfect career change idea for people who wish to put their beauty talents to a whole new level.

  • 3. Consider some invigorating tech oriented career ideas


In this cosmopolitan day and age, it’s hard to discuss career change and not mention some jobs in information technology. The demand for expert software and app developers is ever-growing and believe it or not, there are over 100,000 new IT-related jobs emerging every year. Besides requiring a bachelor’s of science degree, nowadays you can finish a specialist course and obtain the job of your dreams. From creating computer codes, software programs, analysing various codes, and fixing bugs, to developing new programs and upscaling existing ones, you could try it all. After taking some coding classes, you can easily shift your career to IT and start working from the comfort of your home and earn thousands of dollars.

  • 4. Shape up your career by becoming a fitness instructor


If you are a sporty type already and keen on doing exercise regularly, you can make fitness become your next career. People have neglected taking care of their physical state during coronavirus, and in 2022 we will be seeing more and more people going back to the gym. As the need for quality exercise trainers and fitness instructors will increase, you could seek a crash course and upscale your fitness knowledge and expertise to transform your hobby into a well-paid career. As a fitness trainer, you could organise one-on-one sessions groups, host video activities for stretching, cardiovascular exercises, core and strength exercises, and at the same time get paid for doing what you love most.

  • 5. Opt for a booming social media influencer


This is not something for the plain-hearted. Influencer marketing will continue to boom strong in 2022 and working as a social media influencer can open doors to various other job opportunities in the future as well. There are a lot of companies that seek public figures or personalities who can effectively influence purchasing decisions. Hence, it has become a growing demand for people with specific social media followings to act as those company’s influencers. If you were to work as an influencer in 2022, firstly you would be earning a significant amount of money, and secondly, you could easily twist your career and quite possibly get a chance to work in some other tech-related job. A career as a social media influencer can be your stepping stone to some other high-demand technological job.

  • 6. Use up your financial expertise for a shift to a managerial career


If you are seeking a career change that will provide you with a high income, going for a career in financial management is the way to start. It’s a proven fact that careers in financial management are expected to grow by 5% during 2022. This is a relatively high percentage considering the demand for some other “easy” jobs. Anybody who desires to maximise profitability will look for candidates with an MBA, or with some other high qualifications to work as financial managers. Even with a bachelor’s degree, you could easily find a decent career change to finance as the need for management consultants will be even greater in the following 2022.


To sum up, as technology doesn’t cease to stop advancing, the demand for the tech-related profession will continue to grow even in 2022. However, if you are looking for an enticing career chance to maximally utilise your potentials and skills, resort to entertainment, make-up, cinematic, or design industries, as the future is there.