5 Ways You Can Become The Person Who You Aspire To Be

May 27, 2015 | Posted at 6:57 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

As you go through life and aim to achieve your dreams, knowing who you are and who aspire to be will be the keys to your success.

But, becoming who you are is never easy. Becoming who you are requires tremendous courage, perseverance, and belief in yourself. It can take a lot out of you…

Just like on the road to graduating from high school or college, the road to your success towards becoming who you aspire to be may feel challenging. There are moments when you may want to give up on yourself and on your dreams. However, you must believe in what is possible. Then, as you continue on your journey, you will eventually embark upon moments of your life that you have always imagined coming true. To motivate you on this pursuit, here are five ways you can become the person who you aspire to be.

1. Be authentic

You cannot become who you are if you are not true to yourself. You have to be honest with yourself about what is that you are passionate about and who it is that you really want to be, despite your parents, the critics, and all of the naysayers.

2. Have vision

People and dreams perish for lack of vision. Without having the idea in mind of who you want to be, you will not know where/ how to aim. Having ideas in place will help guide you on the pursuit of becoming who you aspire to be.

3. Embrace a “never give up” attitude

Curve balls will forever be coming your way as you pursue your dreams and your ultimate happiness. You may have moments when you just want to throw in the towel because you just can’t keep fighting all the challenges and setbacks you encounter. However, you have to push through these moments and realize you have everything in you needed to reach your full potential.

4. Remove the self-doubt and naysayers

Most people settle in their lives and many of these people will also convince you to settle. Then, that’s when that self-doubt starts kicking into gear. You may have moments when you no longer believe in your dream on your journey towards becoming who you aspire to be. Still, you have to set those moments, people, and your self-doubt aside. Always move forward.

5. Always believe in yourself

As writer Richard Bach once stated, “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” Therefore, no matter how discouraged you might get at times, you must know that if you can dream something, then you will always have everything in you to make it come true. You just have to always believe in yourself and never stop on your journey of becoming who you have always aspired to be.