5 Ways To Form Powerful Habits And Skyrocket Your Success

April 5, 2024 | Posted at 4:58 pm | by Tony (Follow User)

“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.” – Stephen Covey Forming new habits is challenging, since it disrupts our natural state of balance. While the rational mind will embrace the new habit, the emotional brain is not quite as enthusiastic to our new laid plans. Oftentimes, we have very little idea on the journey ahead until we embark upon it. The following five key points are valuable for forming and maintaining new habits. If implemented, they will skyrocket your success in areas of your life. Combined in our daily routine, they shape the underlying desire to achieve any lasting change.


1. Understand The Change Cycle: Having worked with a sports psychologist in recent years, I understand the importance of the change cycle in forming new habits. Undoubtedly, as we adopt new habits, we will experience inner resistance since we are disrupting the mind and body’s stability. Knowing the six stages of change, affords us realistic expectations of the journey ahead and that setbacks are bound to occur. A relevant piece of trivia: 33% of people who undertake a fitness membership cancel or stop attending after the third month. Knowing people’s motivational habits wane over time, health clubs purposely lure us into signing twelve month contracts, with petty exit clauses because they know people will quit early yet continue their gym memberships.


2. Have A Compelling Reason:  We must avoid starting a new habit if we think it is the right thing to do. The conscious and emotional brain have different agendas, despite our best intentions. We are bound to experience resistance as the going gets tough since internal conflicts will arise. For this reason, we should adopt a purposeful intent why we wish to pursue the new habit afterall. The late motivational speaker Jim Rohn once quipped: “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” We all know the pain of discipline bears lighter on our conscience than the pain of regret. Reconnecting with our WHY will help us connect with our conscious and emotional intentions. Connecting with our original intention to start a new habit is paramount for success. As the journey gathers momentum, setbacks and inner resistance can derail our progress.


3. Chunk It Down:  This is where we break down the goal into smaller goals and pursue one habit or goal at a time, until we have become proficient with it. For example, if our intention to ‘get fit’ means undertaking an exercise program, we might start with a series of gentle long walks early in the morning. We shouldn’t have ambitious expectations of how our health journey might take shape. Starting slow with the intention to gain momentum may be more useful in the long run than quitting altogether. We allow the strength of the goal or the habit to propel us towards action. As the saying goes: “Slow and steady wins the race.”


4. Manage Your Environment: This is where we remove temptations likely to derail our progress. If our new habit is to curb eating unhealthy foods, we might ensure our fridge and pantry are stocked with healthy food options. Whilst this may seem trivial, during times of emotional need, the conscious brain becomes irrational leading to the probability of cheating. Therefore, we strive to keep temptations out of sight. Similarly, we must also avoid rewarding ourselves with food. Our minds are astute at recognising this, having undergone thousands of years of evolution – it will find ways to use the rewards against us. So, we might opt for rewards that are non-food related such as: massages, buying a new item of clothing, music, etc. It is important to factor resistanceinto the equation since we will invariably become unstuck. We mustn’t be hard on ourselves when/if this occurs. Use the time wisely to regroup and continue pursuing our habit.


5. Commit To The Habit: Time to put the pedal to the metal! Smaller victories achieved early in the habit-forming period adds crucial momentum to our habit. Undertaking daily activity for an entire month is a timely approach for forming sound disciplinary behaviour. Daily action is paramount for maintaining impetus, rather than intermittent application. Therefore, we should aim for at least a 90%+ strike-rate during the initial month. I find it useful to use a range of tools as motivational aids. I purposely place coloured post-it notes around my home such as my office desk, bathroom and refrigerator. If you prefer using technology or apps to motivate you, avoid falling victim to the technology, rather use it as support to help you stick to your newly laid plans. As a final thought, setbacks are unavoidable at times throughout the habit forming period. Make a public declaration of your intended habit to a friend, work colleague or loved one. Make yourself accountable to someone that is likely to offer much needed support or who has walked in your shoes. Offer to return the favour. Being accountable to someone affords you a sound reason for keeping your word. This makes it more worthwhile for adhering to your habit. In leaving, resist overthinking or falling victim to your emotions as the going gets tough. Your mind will naturally find excuses to jeopardise your progress. Do not buy into the excuses. Remember why you set out to form the new habit in the first place.