5 Tips for Workout Motivation

June 12, 2018 | Posted at 5:00 pm | by Lauren (Follow User)

Attempting to find workout motivation can be extremely challenging, especially for those of us who work 40+ hours a week and have a ton of other commitments on our plates, or for those of us who feel like giving up on exercising because we’re not seeing any results. Here’s how I’ve found the motivation to work out, even on days when it’s the last thing I want to do.

1. Try working out in the morning

One of the biggest roadblocks I’ve faced when trying to exercise is attempting to work out at night. At the end of a long day, I’m completely exhausted and the last thing I want to do is run on a treadmill for 30 minutes (I’d rather sit down with a big bowl of popcorn and watch Scandal, thank you very much).

Though I’m not a morning person, I started setting my morning alarm 30 minutes earlier than usual just to see if I would be able to wake up and motivate myself to go to the gym. It wasn’t pleasant at first, but once I started getting into the same daily routine, it was so easy for me to find the motivation to work out. Not only did I feel more energized after working out in the morning, but this strategy prevented me from making the excuse of not having time to exercise after work.

2. Sign up for exercise classes

If I’ve paid for an exercise class, I’ve found that I’ll rarely skip. I’d rather commit to working out than lose the money I’ve put down on a class. Even investing in a new yoga mat or pair of running shoes is enough motivation for me to work out. Consider booking group classes at a yoga studio or schedule appointments with a personal trainer to find that workout motivation. I tend to use Class Pass—an app that provides access to yoga, strength training, boxing, and other exercise classes for a monthly subscription.

3. Work out with a friend

If you don’t want to pay money for an exercise class, find a friend to be your accountability partner and work out with you. Schedule a time to go to the gym with your roommate or plan to play a pick-up game of basketball with friends. You could also try joining a Pilates studio or spinning class to find other people who share your fitness goals and can support you in your workout journey.

4. Use your exercise time to destress

What better way to motivate yourself to work out than by viewing it as a time to destress. Listen to that podcast you’ve been dying to catch up on or your favorite workout playlist on Spotify. Some gyms even have equipment with built-in TVs, allowing you to binge watch your favorite Netflix series while burning calories.

5. Wear workout clothes throughout the day

Simply wearing workout clothes can motivate you to work out during the day. If you can’t wear exercise gear to work, pack a bag of tennis shoes, socks, running shorts, and a t-shirt and make a commitment to exercise after work.