5 Reasons You Should Blog For Your Business

February 20, 2018 | Posted at 5:18 pm | by Pete + Jordan (Follow User)

When we first started our marketing business, we were developing full-on marketing strategies for our clients – and implementing them.

Yes, we were a tad crazy.

But more so, we love marketing and we wanted all of our clients to succeed, and so we were adamant about including all of the necessary marketing tactics.

Throughout this entire process, blogging was always a key part of our marketing plans.

It was ALSO the area that we got the most pushback from our clients because it takes a decent amount of work to keep up with a good blogging strategy.

Maybe you feel the same?

Business owners and creative entrepreneurs are always asking us whether blogging is really necessary for their business, if it will really make that much of a difference that it’s worth all of the time and energy.

The answer is a big ole heck YES.

Blogging is absolutely necessary for growing your business. And because we believe in blogging so much, we’re going to share 5 of the top reasons why you should start blogging (+ do it consistently!) for your business.

1. Blogging is great for SEO

When you build your website, you create all of your static pages to share more about you, your company, your products or services, a way to contact you, and perhaps some of your best work.

Depending on the industry that you are in and the products or services you provide, you may have a few extra pages. But for the most part, these pages aren’t changing.

Aside from some small updates such as adding a new team member, updating your contact information, or adding new products, most websites stay relatively static once they are built.

This is why blogging can have such a big impact on your website and traffic.

Every time you publish a new blog post on your website, it gets indexed by Google. Adding new pages and content to your website gives you an even better chance of showing up in search engines for relevant searches. The reason behind this is simple: Google cares about relevancy.

By publishing fresh, relevant content that provides value to your website visitors, you are showing Google that you are relevant – and you can expect to be rewarded with increased SEO (search engine optimization).

The short of it: blogging can significantly increase your organic presence online.

2. Blogging drives traffic to your website

As we just mentioned, Google (and other search engines) care about fresh content. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, blogging will certainly help you do this.

It will also help to drive new traffic to your website, as increasing your SEO will help you appear more often and in more search results; hence, your traffic should also increase.

Additionally, when you publish new blog content, you now have more links to share with your ideal audience.

Whether you share a picture on Instagram, an excerpt on Facebook, or a link in your email newsletters, blog posts give you the opportunity to connect with your audience and encourage them to visit your website.

View this post on Instagram

As creative entrepreneurs, we wear a lot of hats.⠀ ⠀ Boss. Customer Service Rep. Office Admin. Bookkeeper. Web designer. Financial Planner. Creative. Blogger. Social media manager. ⠀ And as amazing as it is to own your own business and build your dreams, the truth is that it can also be a tadddd overwhelming at times.⠀ ⠀ So today, we want to make your life a little easier – let us wear the marketing hat for a bit 💂🏼⠀ ⠀ We’re excited to be sharing some of our favorite tips on how to use Facebook to grow your business over on @honeybook's blog! (Click the link in our bio to read the full article) ⠀ Now we want to know: How do you use Facebook in your own business? If you have, what has worked best for you? If you haven't, what's stopping you?⠀ Drop us a comment below or on the blog + let us know!

A post shared by Pete + Jordan Jones (@peteandjordan) on

As you can see in our example above, our instagram post gave us the opportunity to drive people who were interested in the content to a relevant blog post that would give them even more value + allow them to connect with us even further.

And guess what? The more people that visit your website, and the more time they spend on your website (aka reading those awesome blog posts!), the more you will boost your SEO 🙂

3. Blogging provides value for your audience

We know everyone is itching to uncover the best SEO secrets, and the first two reasons should show you how blogging will help you increase your organic ranking.

That being said, what’s even more important for your business than SEO is providing value.

You can show up in all of the search results in the world, but if you’re not providing value for your visitors, does it really matter?

As a business owner, you have services or products that are filling the needs of your ideal customers – and your blog is a way to show that to them. Whether it’s through beautiful images of the last wedding that you shot or a blog post about the reasons why hiring a career coach is so important, you can share relevant and valuable information with your audience through your blog.

The more blogs you publish, the more content you can share with your audience, and the more value you can provide to them.

One quick side note here: depending on your business, industry, and how you choose to do business, blogging can also allow you to get more personal with your audience. On our blog, for example, we mix in posts about our own entrepreneurial journey and our travels right along with our best Facebook tips.

4. Blogging can generate new leads for your business

Increasing traffic + providing value are great – but at the end of the day, you’re a running a business which means you also need to make money.

Just as more blogging means more indexed pages and increased views, each post you write brings a new opportunity to turn a reader into a client or customer.

As we recommend in our Business Blogging Checklist, every blog post should include some sort of call-to-action, such as: providing a free eBook or free 30-minute consultation or even just driving them to your contact or services pages.

The key here is to continue to provide MORE value and drive the visitor to the NEXT logical piece of information (another blog post or a way to contact you are two great places to start!).

Ideally, this ends with the visitor providing you their contact information or requesting to learn more about you and your services.

Keep in mind that not every person who reads your blog will become a lead – at least not at first –  and that’s totally okay!

Blogging is a great way to build up the Like, Know, and Trust factors with your audience.

5. Blogging will help you establish authority

Finally, writing solid articles will help to highlight you and/or your company as a thought leader in your respective industry. When you share information that resonates with your market, you are showcasing your skills for your business, your product or service.

Blogging is an important part of conveying your expertise.

Your success in this area will rely on the quality of the content you publish as well as using the appropriate channels when sharing. It is important to note that knowing your audience is key to establishing yourself as an expert.

For instance, if you are a Personal Injury attorney, sharing case studies on accidents that you have settled for clients could be very relevant to your target audience. On the other hand, sharing healthy alternatives to making pizza may be a better fit for a health or fitness professional.

Know your audience and know what will resonate with them.

Ask yourself: What is my audience looking for? What needs do they have? What questions might they have about my industry or services? How can I feature more of our best work? These are all great jumping off points for ideas.

Blog Topic Ideas to Help You Get Started

We hope by now you’re convinced of the power (+ the necessity) of blogging for your business.

If you’re stuck on where to begin, you can use some of our blog topic ideas below to help you get started:

  • Share work you’ve completed for a previous client (ex: a website you launch, a wedding you shot, a client that landed her new dream job)
  • 5 Reasons You Should/Need ____ (fill in the blank with a service you provide! ex: 5 Reasons You Need a New Website for Your Business, 5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Florist for Your Wedding, 5 Reasons You Should Eat Clean)
  • Our Favorite Tools for _____ (ex: Our Favorite Tools for Marketing Online, Our Favorite Tools for Knitting, Our Favorite Tools for Staying Organized)
  • What is _____ and Why is it Important (fill in the blank with a common question people have about your industry or business. Ex: What is SEO and Why is it Important? What is a Cover Letter and Why is It Important? What is a Tax Deduction and Why is It Important?)

Just fill in the blank with relevant information about your industry or business!

If you’re ready to kick things into gear, we’d highly recommend downloading our free resource below for some extra tips + strategies on writing the best performing blog posts 🙂 Happy blogging!

This article was written by Jordan Jones and was published through a partnership with Quarter for Your Crisis.