5 Reasons To Sell Your Car Sooner Rather Than Later

October 12, 2018 | Posted at 1:05 am | by Derek (Follow User)

When talking about buying and selling cars, it’s often said there’s no time like the present. If you’ve been selling your car you know what it’s all about. Whether you’re looking to upgrade to a newer model, moving to a city where a scooter is more practical, or simply need a cash infusion, it’s always better to get things going immediately. Let’s look into top five reasons why selling your cat tomorrow never pays up as good as today.

Its value is depreciating

Even as you’re reading this, your car’s value is going down. The reasons vary between different markets, makes, models, and technical specifics of individual cars, but unless you’re selling a super rare 3-door grand tourer from the 1950s, the price is not likely to go up. While you can’t hope to sell your car for the amount that covers all the repairs and upgrades, the sooner you sell it off, the better price you get.

Upkeep is too high

Owning a car feels great. You can go wherever you want, for however long you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone, ask for a ride or burden yourself with bus schedules. However, after a while, the costs keep piling up. The fuel price is often an up-and-down roller-coaster, so you can never tell how much it’s going to cost to fill her up. The most impactful cost, however, is the insurance. Insurance premiums vary   depending on your driving record and your position in life, but ask any driver and they’ll tell you – they’re too high. So if you don’t need a car on daily basis, you might as well sell it and use the insurance and fuel money for travels and other things you want.

Selling has never been easier

When compared with all the channels we have now, selling a car used to be much more difficult. Finding an exact quote was much more challenging, as well as finding a dealer willing to take it off your hands or a friend who needed a car and trusted you with the purchase. With all the information widely available on the Internet, and the abundance of reputable dealers, I wouldn’t hesitate a moment to choose to sell my car online. If you use a respectable service, you’re guaranteed a fair price for your vehicle, you avoid stressful price duels with buyers and, no tyre-kickers will be coming to your home to bother you. Apart from taking the professional photographs, the dealer will get all the paperwork in line when it comes to sale.

It doesn’t see much use

Maybe there was the time when you used your car every day, but now it just sits in the garage, tyres soft. If you telecommute, or if using public transport is more convenient way to get to work, your car might not see enough use to justify the insurance cost. If you take it for a drive once or twice a week it makes more sense to sell it than to keep it around, especially since rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have become so popular.

Traffic is killing you

Getting stuck in traffic on the way home is no one’s idea of the afternoon. And if you live in a bustling city with a high population, rush hours can be unbearable. Oftentimes, you spend more time idling than driving. If your locale has reliable public transport network, especially overpass rail or a subway, you’ll soon realize that you commute faster without a car. Get yours ready to sale today and take a rail pass tomorrow.

While you may be emotionally attached to your car, remember that all things must pass. You can’t hold on to it forever, and as it’s getting older, the upkeep servicing alone will get more expensive alone. Even if the prospect of giving up your wheels doesn’t give you any joy, selling your current car might be the first step in finding the perfect one.